
IEEE CASS Outreach Award

The ASPC group has been awarded $8000 by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) for outreach activities involving undergraduates in the NE Ohio region.


New paper at IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems

The paper titled “Systolic-Array Architecture for Steerable Multi-Beam VHF Wave-Digital RF Apertures” with Nilanka Rajapaksha and Dr Len Bruton has been accepted at IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems. Congratulations!


NSF-EARS undergraduate research experience gets underway

NSF REU students Nathan and DeGrafth with high-school intern Julia succeeded in designing, simulating, fabricating and measuring a monopole antenna tuned at 2.4 GHz. They used CST Microwave Studio and J.D. Kraus’s textbook to design the antenna and an Agilent VNA to do the measurements.

Undergraduates and high-school student testing their monopole antenna.
Undergraduates and high-school student testing their monopole antenna.

New paper at IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine

The invited review paper “Low-Power VLSI Architectures for DCT/DWT: Precision vs Approximation for HD Video, Biomedical, and Smart Antenna Applications” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Circuits and Systems society magazine. Deep congratulations to all collaborators and students who coauthored this paper.