
Four papers accepted at IEEE MWSCAS 2017

The following four papers have been accepted at IEEE Mid-West Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS’2017) which will be held in Boston, in August 2017.

Viduneth Ariyarathna, Arjuna Madanayake, Leo Belostotski, Shirani Perera, Renato Cintra, and Nilan Udayanga, “Design of a Low-Complexity Wideband Analog True-Time-Delay 5-Beam Array in 65nm CMOS”.

Nilan Udayanga, SI Hariharan and Arjuna Madanayake, “Continuous-Time Algorithms for Solving the Electromagnetic Wave Equation in Analog ICs” (invited paper).

Yingying Wang, Suranga Handagala, Arjuna Madanayake, Soumyajit Mandal and Leo Belostotski, “N-Port LNAs for mmW Array Processors Using 2-D Spatio-Temporal  Noise-Shaping”.

Jiffy Liang, Soumyajit Mandal, Arjuna Madanayake, Leo Belostotski, Suranga Handagala, Ali Nikoofard, “Low-Complexity N-Port ADCs Using 2-D Delta-Sigma Noise-Shaping for N-Element Array Receivers”.

Congratulations to all authors.


New paper at IEEE Mercon 2017

Congratulations to co-authors Viduneth Ariyarathna, Nilan Udayanga, both at UA, Leonid Belostotski (University of Calgary, Canada), Sirani Perera (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University), and Renato J Cintra (UFPE, Brazil) for the paper titled “Design Methodology of an Analog 9-Beam Squint-Free Wideband IF Multi-Beamformer for mmW Applications” which has been accepted at IEEE Mercon 2017.



New paper at IEEE Mercon 2017

The paper titled “Energy-Efficient ULF/VLF Transmitters Based on Mechanically Rotating Dipoles” has been accepted at IEEE Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (Mercon). Congratulations to co-authors  Choi Seungdeog, Mohammad Tarek and Shamini Dharmasena, at UA, and to Soumyajit Mandal, Jarred Glickstein and Alp Sehirlioglu, who are at the Case Western Reserve University.



Visiting Professor from Brazil

Professor Renato Cintra of UFPE, Brazil, is visiting the ASPC Lab for about two weeks as part of an on-going collaboration funded by the DARPA Microsystems Technology Office (MTO). Professor Cintra is an expert at approximate transforms and fast algorithms. Welcome, Renato.


New ARITH paper

The paper titled  “A Parallel Method for the Computation of Matrix Exponential based on Truncated Neumann Series” is accepted at IEEE ARITH 2017. Deep congratulations to co-authors Vassil Dimitrov, Diego Coelho, Logan Rakai, all at the University of Calgary, Canada,  Renato Cintra, from UFPE in Brazil, and Viduneth Ariyarathna, at UA.
