
ASPC Lab attends CASPER 2017 Workshop

Viduneth Ariyarathna attended and presented our research in a poster titled “ROACH-2 based Prototype Implementation of an 8-Beam Multiplierless Approximate-DFT Based Aperture Array Receiver” at the 2017 CASPER Workshop.   The workshop was held at Caltech in August 2017.



New NSF SpecEES Award

The project titled “SpecEES: Collaborative Research: Spatially Oversampled Dense Multi-Beam Millimeter-Wave Communications for Exponentially Increased Energy-Efficiency” has been approved and starts today! The project is a 4-university collaborative project between the University of Akron, with lead-PI Arjuna Madanayake, Case Western Reserve University with PI Soumyajit Mandal, SUNY Stony Brook, with PI Xin Wang, and NYU-Tandon with PI Ted Rappaport. The project has a total value of $750,000, with equal share to each partner institution.