Get Involved

Interested in Participating in Our Studies?

We are always looking for healthy adults ages 60+ to participate in research studies on emotion and adult development. Typical studies include tasks on the computer, questionnaires, some cognitive tests (like a vocabulary test), and sometimes having your eyes tracked while doing a task on the computer. Studies typically take 1-2 hours to complete. If you are eligible for a study, we will schedule a convenient time for you come into the lab at the University of Akron to participate. Volunteers will be paid. For more information, please call: (330) 972-6564.

You can also email us at or complete the Participant Information Form here and we will call you when you are eligible to participate in a study.

We are currently recruiting participants for several studies.

Interested in Being a Student Research Assistant?

We are always looking for bright and motivated students to be involved in the lab. You will gain experience in all of the phases of the research process from designing psychological studies to collecting data and analyzing data and assisting with data presentation. This experience may be helpful for graduate school or your future job.

If you are interested, please email Dr. Stanley (  with your resume and your interest in the lab. You can be involved either for Independent Reading and Research credit or as a volunteer.