Early Start Bar Study Group


Get a head start on your bar study!

A weekly bar study group will start in about a week.  It’s a good, relatively painless, way to get a head start on bar study.  One of the bar vendors has documented a substantial increase in the pass rate of students who start studying 62 days ahead of the formal start date.  This winter’s group met 2 hours a week and wrote 16 additional essays in advance of the bar exam.

This study group is geared primarily for those planning to take the July 2017 bar exam, but is open to anyone willing to dive into writing essays on Ohio bar exam subjects.

If you’re interested – vote for the days that would be best/impossible for you.  Later this week I’ll announce the meeting dates (one or two, depending on interest).

Questions?  Contact Nancy Reeves – nlr22@uakron.edu or 330-972-6809