Hello everyone, This has certainly been the week for the UAWC³ Lab connecting with community.  We welcome businesses, schools, and community members to the lab for free tours and CAD lessons.  And boy, have they come! Dusty is into his fourth week of CAD lessons for representatives of Cerco, a leader in industrial ceramic solutions.  About 4-5 employees are taught advanced concepts in AutoCAD 2015.  Yesterday, Dusty taught them how to create a plastic water bottle, complete with threaded cap.  We are thankful that we can offer services to this company. Earlier yesterday afternoon, four students from Kingsway Christian School arrived for an introduction toRead More →

Hello everyone With three weeks remaining before finals, the Wayne makerspace is in high-gear with students designing and printing projects.  Dusty is assisting the instructor with student teaching Tools for Engineering class, initiating a new assignment that wasn’t possible before: designing working motors.  The motors are entirely 3D printed, operate by hand, and have no glue to attach the parts.  It is amazing the complex designs they are producing (and printing)! We are using filament like it is going out of style.  Before we run out, Will and I are still tweaking the filament maker to extrude the correct thickness of filament, then we canRead More →

Hello everyone, With mid-semester upon us, this has to be the busiest time our makerspace has yet experienced.  For the past week or so, all three printers are under continual use, mostly from the engineering students printing motor parts, the RC Club printing airplane parts, student printing their own things, etc.  All three are humming along with minor problems here and there.  I didn’t expect this, but students now ask if we will buy more 3D printers, given they have to wait and take turns using them. Friday before last, Kevin Platz and kids from the Orrville Boys & Girls club and the mayor ofRead More →