Month: October 2017

  • HeinOnline-your go-to legal, political, and government research database

    Why do researchers consider HeinOnline their go-to source for legal, political, and government information?  Below are just a few of the reasons: a 10,000-title Legal Classics Library; research databases containing national and international journal articles, treaties, agreements, U.S. state case law, Harvard publications, the CFR, U.S. Attorney General reports, Constitutions of the World, UN law collection, U.S.…

  • A different approach to using Films on Demand

    Did you know that Films on Demand has a calendar feature? This chronological access tool provides educators and students a great way to locate high-interest media content for lessons and assignments related to both current and historic events. For example, October resources highlight National Breast Cancer Awareness month, National Bullying Prevention month, Halloween, Columbus Day,…