ABA Council for Diversity in the Educational Pipeline

Since its inception in 2001, over one-thousand law students have participated in the ABA Judicial Clerkship Program (JCP) – a joint initiative by the ABA Council for Diversity in the Educational Pipeline (formerly the Council for Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Educational Pipeline) and the ABA Judicial Division.  The JCP’s mission is to increase the number of diverse judicial clerks in the justice system.

The JCP consists of a three-day mock clerkship centered around a current legal issue before the United States Supreme Court.  Law students, working alongside and mentored by judges, discuss, research, and ultimately prepare an outline of the legal opinion.  View the JCP brochure and 2017 schedule.

The JCP is normally held at the ABA Midyear Meeting.  For one time only,  the 2018 JCP will be held in Chicago (April 19 – 21) in conjunction with the National Judicial Institute and Conclave, and the Judicial Division Spring Planning Meeting (April 18 – 20).  In 2019, JCP will return to the ABA Midyear Meeting.

Please feel free to contact Sharon Tindall (Sharon.Tindall@americanbar.org or  312-988-5642) for additional information.

Opportunity for Limited Means Pro Bono Hours – *Expungement Clinic Seeking Student Volunteers*

*Expungement Clinic Seeking Student Volunteers*

The Expungement Clinic helps low-income Summit County residents seal the record of their criminal convictions.  A sealed record enables many people better access to jobs, housing, and volunteer opportunities.  Students will learn integral skills in the legal field including record searches, reading court dockets, completing applications to file with the court, and interviewing real clients.

Saturday Febuary 10, 2018

9:00am – 12:00pm

The Chapel

135 S. Fir Hill Street

Akron, Ohio 44304


All hours qualify as ProBono of Limited Means.

There will be a mandatory training session on Tuesday Febuary 6, 2018 from 4:30-5:30pm in the Law School Room 301. (You do not need to attend training if you have attended in the past).  You will need a laptop for training.

Interested students or questions please RSVP to Jennifer Lattaker at jkl47@zips.uakron.edu.


Law Clinic at The University of Akron Seeking Inmate Assistance Student

Akron, OH –Inmate Assistance Program – 

AkronLawJobs No. 9085  Overview:  Seeking students to work in the Inmate Assistance Program paid position – $8.50 per hour up to 20 hours per week. Travel to Summit or Mahoning County jails once a week, meet with inmates who have legal questions, and research and draft letters back to the inmates.  Students interested in developing interviewing, research, and writing skills should apply. Our clinic graduates use their skills in civil and criminal contexts as Public Defenders, County Prosecutors, Legal Aid lawyers, judicial law clerks, and civil practitioners.

Qualifications:  All students are invited to apply.

How to apply:  A cover letter and resume must be submitted to Professor Joann Sahl at jsahl1@uakron.edu as soon as possible.

Deadline:  ASAP