The International Journal of Ethical Leadership Special Edition

Edited by Shannon French

SKU: 978-1-62922-072-7 Category: Tag:



The mission of the International Journal of Ethical Leadership is to spread awareness of the fact that every worthwhile human endeavor requires the application and embodiment of ethical leadership in order to succeed, endure, and produce positive outcomes for present and future generations. Our aim is to expand the transdisciplinary, international conversation that is ongoing around the question of what ethical leadership requires. We hope, with each issue of this journal, to highlight a wide range of perspectives on ethical leadership in theory and action around the globe. Our intention is not to endorse particular opinions, but to host a trusted forum for readers to explore a diversity of views.

Author Bio

Shannon E. French is the Inamori Professor in Ethics, Director of the Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence, and a tenured member of the Philosophy Department with a secondary appointment in the law school at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. She is also a Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, DC. Dr. French received her Ph.D. in philosophy from Brown University in 1997. Prior to starting at CWRU in 2008, she taught for eleven years as an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the United States Naval Academy and served as Associate Chair of the Department of Leadership, Ethics, and Law. She is the author of many scholarly publications, including The Code of the Warrior: Exploring Warrior Values, Past and Present, editor-in-chief for the International Journal of Ethical Leadership, and an associate editor for the Journal of Military Ethics.