JFK Assassination Collection

 Patrons of The University of Akron Libraries can now access The JFK Assassination Collection via the database HeinOnline.  The collection was mandated by the United States Congress in 1992. The law directed the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to curate the collection of books, hearings, other related works, and scholarly articles on this topic.  Furthermore, the Act required that each assassination record be made public no later than 25 years after the date of enactment, unless the President of the United States has reason to withhold the documents.

In October of 2017, President Donald Trump directed the National Archives to release materials that were previously withheld. These consisted of nearly 50,000 documents, including more than 19,000 additional documents with the latest release in April 2018. The newly available information contained FBI, CIA, and other agency documents. Some documents will remain classified until 2021.


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