Spring Fine Forgiveness Event

Beginning April 15th the library will be offering fine amnesty to Wayne College students, faculty, and staff.  In lieu of money owed on fines we are asking that library patrons bring in boxes of facial tissues (Kleenex, Puffs, etc.) that will be donated to our Wooster Hope Food Pantry at Wayne College.  Bring in one full-sized box of tissues (no travel sizes, please!) and we will waive your fines.

You heard that right: If you bring in a box of tissues we will waive your fines.

The amnesty event will end on Saturday, May 11th so don’t wait to take advantage of this opportunity to clear up any library fines.

Here’s the catch:

  • We cannot offer any refunds on previously paid library fines
  • Lost or damaged items are excluded (but see the library staff for ideas on how to replace these items in the most inexpensive way!)
  • Materials checked out after April 15th are not eligible
  • You must stop in the library to participate in this fine amnesty even

Even if you do not have any library fines, please consider contributing to this worthy cause.  We are really hoping to get the Pantry all stocked up for next year!
