Japan Uncategorized

Study aboard to japan

0527161116a0527161019aBLOG 4Wabi sabi was displayed alot today. We went to the garden and all i could keep saying is “ this is so beautiful.” In America we can take nature for granted. We litter, pollute, destroy historical properties. But actually being in the moss garden and tea room garden has really opened my eyes to see the elegance in the stones and flowers and water and nature as a whole. It was breathtaking and i was able to experience that in real life. Not seeing it through a screen. It was peaceful and people tend to forget that before technology you were outside discovering new things being one with nature. So i hope The US one day could get back to a place of being aware of their home. Their home called Earth.0527161242

The interesting thing i posted was the guardian of the children statue. I dont remember his name. But i thought that was morally positive because the Japanese feel as though the children are the future and children as well as teenagers have souls that can be led down the wrong path. So with the help of the Buddha, the children can be protected from harms way, and after talking and seeing soo many sweet Japanese children. I wish all good fortune for them.

The differences between Nara and Kyoto would be the deer being everywhere and how every one is soo unbothered by there being so many. Also Kyoto was the capital for a long so its a little more busy and crowed and moves in a faster pace, while Nara was a smaller traditional quaint city that adore deer. They have many differences but i enjoyed both places and liked those cities for different reasons.

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