Thailand/Southeast Asia

Arriving in Thailand


Once we got to Bangkok we took two trains one of them was from the airport and the other was from a place in Bangkok that took us further into the city. After we got off the train we carried our luggage down to a more unnerving part of the city. It was right by one of the main roads to the city with a more “be careful here feeling”. We were waiting for some of the people from the hotel to come and pick us up… For a moment, I thought that either they had left us or we were lost in downtown Bangkok (that was to happen later on the trip) As it turns out we were simply on the wrong side of the road and they came and collected us. The even bigger adventure of the night was that we all rode in a Tuk Tuk, a small three-wheeled motorized vehicle meant to hold six, our two Tuk Tuks managed to hold all eleven of us and our thirteen bags of luggage. Needless to say, it was a tight fit. Courtney and I sat on either side of the driver with our legs hanging off the side of the vehicle. It was the first of many adventures.

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