
Honorable personal day

Goal trip reflect
Photo #1


This trip had many goals large and small; however, I was not expecting there to be so many awesome things, places and people. This country keeps to what I have heard, a site and place of beauty and interest. Aside from my personal ones of seeing a Gargoyle concert and seeing friends, it has been most enjoyable. I was able to experience and see so many great art forms, from early Kyoto and Nara architecture to the vast modern uses of typography. The designs are far from just interesting, but inspirational.

The temple stay and Osaka castle were two major excitements of the trip. In my analysis of concepts from the first set of entries one already knew I have a very deep study in the samurai way, Bushido, sengoku jidai, battle of sekigahara and the reunification of Japan. To see the artifacts and relics from 1600, of the main war fought by Tokugawa Ieyasu and Hideyoshi Toyotomi, my mind was blown. The elaborate attire of the greatest samurai and Shoguns, truly breath taking. Each uniform fit and designed for so many warriors. Dying by both families and brothers. It did however intrigue me; most of the warriors documentation was Leyasu’s children, sons. I did not know this, and now paints a bigger picture of the war.

So, all in all, most of my history goals were met, and hopefully I will get some of more of my designer goals accomplished in Tokyo. Much like New York, this city is an ocean of wonderful modern contemporary design. To much more to discover, the trip will go on.

Impact pictures
Photo #2

IMG_20160601_184033797This is the deepest person location yet, besides the temple. This may just look like an apartment building to some, but this is the location of Bahama Muse. Behind this door housed many indie bands, and on July 15, 1987, was the location of Gargoyle’s first concert. Silly to some, but this was much like a cradle of my art, my passions. To think that this location is what kindled the flame that burns for over a decade. Little did I know about 7 years before I was born this would be my reason for why I stand in Japan today, why I am blessed with so many friends and a wonderful family. It feels as if part of me has been laid to rest at this door, and another part of me born to live another day. So to that I could say more of just this one spot, but I will leave it with a thank you. I shall return and I will not give up on my passions.




Friends Day #2
Photo #3


Friends meet up again, and the many concepts I learned. I knew from them that there was different dialects like back in the USA, and with that they taught me “Ookini” is how one says thank you in the Osaka dialect. It was great to try this out and have so many faces light up to a foreigner using this word.

Then, as stated above about the location of Bahama Muse, I learned through that about true wabi-sabi, the building to us should never fall, the wanting to keep this sacred place standing as long as time will tell. This is when shudan ishiki came in to play. Even though there was a language barrier like before. we a had a great time, feeling each other via consciousness and passions it was truly great, this was truly a night of singing, drinking, and just a good time.

Lastly is the concept of Uchi Soto. The feeling of being a foreigner in Japan is thick, people know, but that time with my friends it was a deeper Uchi Soto, it made no difference if we were Japanese or American or whichever. We are Gargoyles that developed our own sect and our own family. With that comes a great day of discovery in the big city of Osaka and tomorrow the land of Tokyo.




Free Day — experiencing the culture

Day 3

Friend Day #1

Photo #1
Heading back to Fushimi Inari today with my friend. Experienced a lot, and more in depth than with the group. It was hard with a language barrier, but one thing I learned in class and with my own experience is shudan ishiki. The group consciousness and aimai allowed for the understanding that was at least mutual. It helps to have a common interest and to kinda know how the people are with whom you share that common interest. In a way, it was our own Uchi Soto, but I still feel kind of soto to the group as my nervousness got the better of me on the meeting together. Thus it brings out gambari. Gambari was actually not written about until now, but gambari is the ambition and will to strive. Motivation and determination, but where most do this with education and learning, it is in my soul through many aspects — learning, my art, and even where I want to work. I will not give up easily, and that is the gambari.


Sweet treats
It was a hike in Fushimi Inari — if we were in better clothes, maybe it would have been a hiking trip. However, it was much enjoyed, and so I was in need of something really cold and sweet. Arriving back to Kyoto station we had experienced culture, now it is a modern experience. Eating of the matcha sweets. It was awesome to watch and listen to my friend try her English and me, with the little Japanese I knew, but we just had fun.


Stone of good fortune.
On the way behind the shrine there was a stone near it. If one can lift it then and if it’s light it means good luck, something that was interesting. It was a cultural and traditional experience and a heartfelt one. It was great and the back had so much more to see, and it helped to share with someone and experience it together.




First Day In Japan

Blog post #1

Cheap printing
photo #1:

If I have not mentioned before, I am a graphic design student and an illustrator, so, to my surprise, I tend to gravitate toward the books and goods. First, I see a large manga (comic book) of HunterxHunter, and knowledge of these back in the USA run somewhere to 12-25 sometimes 30USD. I look with astonishment that it was only 610 yen (roughly $5.90-$6), the size is that of oversized manga 8″x6″ roughly. The paper quality is that similar to a finer newsprint. Kinda feels 60lb weight, with newspaper tooth, but even so, looking at other books with full color pullout ads and accordion folds are only 510 yen!!!?? It’s crazy but awesome. Unlike in the USA, this is the place for flashy and cheap research.


Good food:
Photo #2
It seems kinda cliche to say, but the food down here is great. Also glad to see it is as easy as I thought to get rice and soup. With my stomach not being able to tolerate much right now, it really helps to know that I can always get rice. Even at chain restaurants. Photo taken from inside Denny’s. Easy food, great price, plus service is done via a touch screen for seating and party arrangements, and a button at the table for the waiter. Quite advanced.


Typography and logos

photo #3
I guess I am surprised to say the least. I knew that there are a lot of vending machines in Japan, but the photo was more catching to my eye at the labels. I was surprised to see so many typographic based logos and identifications. Still overall, Japan seems very illustration dominant, but I guess it depends on what you are looking at and what’s being sold.


Well to a great busy but fun day! \m/