
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers and Book Chapters

J38. Coming soon

J37. Barkana, BD, Ahmad B, Essodegui F, Lembarki G, Pfeiffer R, Soliman A, Roubidoux M. Enabling machine learning in mammographic diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC), submitted, 2024

J36. Nikaash Pasnoori*, Thanina Garcia-Flores*, B. D. Barkana, Histogram-based features track Alzheimer’s progression in brain MRI, Sci Rep 14, 257 (2024).

J35. Alberto Labrada**, Buket Barkana, A Comprehensive Review of Computer-Aided Models for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Histopathology Images, Bioengineering 2023, 10(11), 1289;

J34. Kode H, Barkana BD. Deep Learning- and Expert Knowledge-Based Feature Extraction and Performance Evaluation in Breast Histopathology Images. Cancers journal. 2023; 15(12):3075.

J33. Buket D. Barkana, Rana H. Khaled, Maha Helal, Hussein Khaled, Ruba Deeb, Mark Pitcher, Ahmed El Sayed, Catherine Schairer, Ruth Pfeiffer, Marilyn Roubidoux, Amr S. Soliman, Imaging modalities in inflammatory breast cancer diagnosis: A computer-aided IBC diagnosis system using bilateral mammography images, in Sensors, 23(1), 64, 2022.

J32. P.K. Eranti*, B.D. Barkana, An Overview of Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Methods Using Adaptive Directional Time-Frequency Distributions. Electronics. 2022; 11(9):1321.

J31. B.D. Barkana, Y. Ozkan*, I.A. Badara, Analysis of Working Memory from EEG Signals under Different Emotional States, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 71, Part B, January 2022, 103249.

J30. B.D. Barkana, Aarchi Patel*. Analysis of vowel production in Mandarin/Hindi/American-accented English for accent recognition systems, Applied Acoustics, May 2020,

J29. Yusuf Ozkan*, B.D. Barkana. How much time does our brain need to relax? Archives in Neurology & Neuroscience, Opinion paper, 2020, DOI: 10.33552/ANN.2020.06.000636.

J28. Arafat Abu Mallouh*, Zakariya Qawaqneh*, B.D. Barkana. Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Age Estimation from Unconstrained Face Images, Image and Vision Computing,, 2019.

J27. Arafat Abu Mallouh*, Zakariya Qawaqneh*, B.D. Barkana. A New Cost Function Combining DNNs and l2,1-norm with Extraction of Robust Facial and Superpixels Features in Age Estimation, Applied Sciences, 8(10), 1943;, 2018.

J26. B.D. Barkana, Nijo John*. Inci Saricicek, Auditory Suspicious Event Analysis and Detection: DASE and bi-DASE Databases, IEEE Access, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2848269

J25. Mohammad Daneshzand*, Miad Faezipour, B.D. Barkana. Robust desynchronization of pathological oscillations by frequency modulation of delayed feedback deep brain stimulation, PLOS ONE,, 2018

J24. Mohammad Daneshzand*, Miad Faezipour, B.D. Barkana. Towards frequency adaptation for delayed feedback deep brain stimulations, Neural Regeneration Research, vol.13, no.3, March 2018

J23. Z Qawaqneh*, A Mallouh*, B.D. Barkana. Age and gender classification from speech and face images by jointly fine-tuned deep neural networks, Expert Systems with Applications, vol.85, pp: 76-86, November 2017.

J22. B.D. Barkana, I. Saricicek. Classification of Breast Masses in Mammograms using 2D Homomorphic Transform Features and Supervised Classifiers. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, vol.7, no.7, pp.1566-1571, November 2017, DOI:

J21. A. Mallouh*, Z. Qawaqneh*, B.D. Barkana. New Transformed Features Generated by Deep Bottleneck Extractor and a GMM-UBM Classifier for Speaker Age and Gender Classification. Neural Computing & Applications, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s00521-017-2848-4.

J20. M. Daneshzand*, M. Faezipour, B.D. Barkana. Hyperbolic Modeling of Subthalamic Nucleus cells to investigate the effect of Dopamine Depletion, Computational Intelligence, and Neuroscience, Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 5472752,

J19. M Daneshzand*, M Faezipour, B.D. Barkana. Computational stimulation of the basal ganglia neurons with cost-effective delayed Gaussian waveforms, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, August 08, 2017.

J18. A. Mallouh*, Z Qawaqneh*, B.D. Barkana. Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Age Estimation based on VGG-Face Model, arXiv:1709.01664 [cs.CV], 2017.

J17. B.D. Barkana, I. Sariciek, B. Yildirim*. Performance analysis of descriptive statistical features in retinal segmentation via fuzzy, ANN, SVM, and classifier fusion. Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 118, February 15, 2017, Pages 165-176.

J16. Z. Qawaqneh*, A. Mallouh*, B.D. Barkana. Deep Neural Network Framework for Speaker’s Age and Gender Classification using I-Vector. Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 115, 1 January 2017, Pages 5-14. 10.1016/j.knosys.2016.10.008.

J15. B.D. Barkana, J. Zhou*. A new pitch-range-based feature set for speaker’s age and gender classification. Applied Acoustics, Volume 98, Pages 52-61, November 2015.

J14. L. Hmurcik, B.D. Barkana, N. Gupta. Two Case Studies: Real-life fatal burn case including smoke inhalation and fatal high-voltage electrical burn. International Journal of Advanced Research, 3(11):318-321, 2015.

J13. O. Abuzaghleh*, B.D. Barkana, M. Faezipour. Noninvasive Real-Time Automated Skin Lesion Analysis System for Melanoma Early Detection and Prevention. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM), 10.1109/JTEHM.2015.2419612, 2015.

J12. I. Hameed*, H. Ocbagabir*, B.D. Barkana, B. Yildirim*. Blood vessel segmentation in retinal images by morphological operations and by a novel pixel tracking algorithm. International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol.11 (1), pp.189-201, February 2015.

J11. O. Abuzaghleh*, M. Faezipour, B.D. Barkana. Skincure: An Innovative Smart Phone-Based Application to Assist In Melanoma Early Detection and Prevention. Signal and Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ), Vol.5, No.6, December 2014.

J10. B.D. Barkana, N. Ngoh, A. Cook. Case Study: Development and Assessment of a STEM-Based Course for Teacher Educators. Education, Vol.3, No.3, 2013.

J9. B.D. Barkana, B. Uzkent*, I. Saricicek. Normal and Abnormal Non-Speech Audio Event Detection Using MFCC and PR-Based Feature Sets. Advanced Materials Research, Management, Manufacturing, and Materials Engineering II, Vol. 601, 2013.

J8. B.D. Barkana, B. Uzkent*, H. Cevikalp. Non-speech environmental sound classification using SVMs with a new set of feature parameters to improve recognition rates. Int. Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control (IJICIC), 2012, Volume 8, Number 5(B), May 2012.

J7. B.D. Barkana., B. Uzkent*. Environmental noise classifier using a new set of feature parameters based on pitch range. Applied Acoustics, Volume 72, Issue 11, November 2011, Pages 841-848.

J6. B. Uzkent*, B.D. Barkana, J. Yang*. Automatic Environmental Noise Source Classification Model using Fuzzy Logic. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 38, Issue 7, pp. 8751-8755, July 2011.

J5. B.D. Barkana. Curriculum Development of an Audio Signal Processing Laboratory Course. Signal & Image Processing: an International Journal, Vol.2, No.1, March 2011.

J4. B.D. Barkana, N. Gupta, L.V. Hmurcik. Two Case Reports: Electrothermal (aka contact) burns and the effects of current density, application time, and skin resistance. Burns, Volume 36, Issue 6, Pages 91-95, 2010.

J3. Stark* B., B.D. Barkana. Acoustic Echo Cancellation: Dual Architecture Implementation. Journal of Computer Science, 6(2): 101-106, 2010.

J2. B.D. Barkana. Characteristics of AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructure RT-SCR Model. Microelectronics Journal, Volume 39, Issue 12, pp. 1504-1508, 2008.

J1. B.D. Barkana, H.H. Erkaya. A Model for the Resonant Tunneling Semiconductor Controlled Rectifier. Microelectronics Journal, Vol.38, pp.871-876, 2007.

Book Chapters:

B5. R. Bachu*, S. Kopparthi*, B. Adapa*, B. Barkana. (2010) Voiced/Unvoiced Decision for Speech Signals Based on Zero-Crossing Rate and Energy. In: Advanced Techniques in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering. Springer, Dordrecht

B4. R.G. Bachu* , J. Patel* , B.D. Barkana. (2010) A Comparison of LBG and ADPCM Speech Compression Techniques. In: Advanced Techniques in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering. Springer, Dordrecht

B3. B. Barkana, M. Cay. (2007) The Effects of Vector Transform on Speech Compression. In: Advances and Innovations in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering. Springer, Dordrecht

B2. B.D. Barkana, H.H. Erkaya. (2007) A Model for Resonant Tunneling Bipolar Transistors. In: Innovative Algorithms and Techniques in Automation, Industrial Electronics and Telecommunications. Springer, Dordrecht

B1. B.D. Barkana, T. Barkana. (2008) A Compression Algorithm Based on The Polarity of The Speech Signal. In: Innovations and Advanced Techniques in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering. Springer, Dordrecht

Conference Papers

C60 E. Keller, N. Mahabadi, B. D. Barkana, Surface Roughness Characterization of Small-Bore Fittings using the Confocal Chromatic Measurement System, CoDIT2024, Malta, July 1-4, 2024.

C59 B.D. Barkana, Ioanna A. Badara, Navarun Gupta, Jungling Hu, Self-evaluation of the Introduction to Scientific Research course designed based on the Affinity Research Groups (ARG) model, ASEE Annual Conference, 2024.

C58 B.D. Barkana, Ioanna A. Badara, Navarun Gupta, Jungling Hu, Ausif Mahmood, Self-evaluation of the Introduction to Scientific Research course designed based on the Affinity Research Groups (ARG) model, ASEE Zone 1 Conference, Penn State, University Park, PA, March 30 – April 1, 2023.

C57 A. Labrada, B.D. Barkana, Breast Cancer Diagnosis from Histopathology Images using Supervised Classifiers, submitted to CBMS 2022 (IEEE 35th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems), May 2022 (Best Paper Award).

C56 Buket D. Barkana, Ahmed El-Sayed, Mark Pitcher, Ruba Deeb, Ruth Pfeiffer, Marilyn Roubidoux, Rana H Khaled, Maha Helal, Hussein Khaled, Catherine Schairer and Amr Soliman, Developing M-Health System for Diagnosing Inflammatory Breast Cancer, submitted to CBMS 2022 (IEEE 35th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems), May 2022.

C55 Ozkan Y.*, Barkana B.D. Multi-class Mental Task Classification Using Statistical Descriptors of EEG by KNN, SVM, Decision Trees, and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis Classifiers, 2020 IEEE 5th the Middle East and Africa Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME).

C54 Ozkan Y*, Barkana BD. Forensic Audio Analysis and Event Recognition for Smart Surveillance Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security, November 5-6, 2019, MA, USA.

C53 Rai A.*, Barkana BD. Analysis of three pitch-shifting algorithms for different musical instruments, IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications, and Technology Conference (LISAT), May 3, 2019.

C52 Daneshzand M*, Faezipour M, Barkana BD. Delayed Feedback Frequency Adjustment for Deep Brain Stimulation of Subthalamic Nucleus Oscillations, Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2018 Jul;2018:2194- 2197. Doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2018.8512652.

C51 Aarchi Patel*, Buket D. Barkana. Analysis of American English corner vowels produced by Mandarin, Hindi, and American accented speakers and a baseline accent recognition system, IEEE LISAT Conference 2018, Curriculum Vitae: Buket D. Barkana Page | 18 18 May 5, 2018.

C50 M. Daneshzand*, S.A. Ibrahim*, M. Faezipour, B.D. Barkana. Desynchronization and Energy Efficiency of Gaussian Neurostimulation on Different Sites of the Basal Ganglia, in the 17th IEEE International Conference on Bio-Informatics and Bio-Engineering (BIBE – 2017).

C49 I.A. Badara, S. Sarab*, A. Medisetty*, A. Cook, J. Cook, B.D. Barkana. The Influence of Emotional States on Memory Retention by Using Electroencephalography (EEG) Measurements: A Case Study, in the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS 2017), 21-23 February, 2017, Porto, Portugal.

C48 A. Mallouh*, Z. Qawaqneh*, B.D. Barkana. Combining Two Different DNN Architectures for Classifying Speakers Age and Gender, in the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS 2017), 21-23 February, 2017, Porto, Portugal.

C47 Z. Qawaqneh*, A. Mallouh*, B. D. Barkana. DNN-Based Models for Speaker Age and Gender Classification, in the 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS 2017), February 21-23, 2017, Porto, Portugal.

C46 Z. Qawaqneh*, A. Mallouh*, Buket D. Barkana. Deep Neural Network Combined Posteriors for Speakers? Age and Gender Classification, in the IEEE Connecticut Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology & Automation (IEEE CT-IETA 2016), 2016.

C45 Z. Qawaqneh*, A. Mallouh*, Buket D. Barkana. Modifying Deep Neural Network Structure for Improved Learning Rate in Speakers? Age and Gender Classification, in the proceedings of IEEE Connecticut Conference on Industrial Electronics, Technology & Automation (IEEE CT-IETA 2016), 2016.

C44 M.M. Almiani, B.D. Barkana. A Modified Region Growing Based Algorithm to Vessel Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Angiography, the 11th IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (IEEE LISAT2015), May 1, 2015, NY, USA, (Best Paper Award).

C43 R. Alattas*, B.D. Barkana. A comparative study of brain volume changes in Alzheimer’s disease using MRI scans, the 11th IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications, and Technology Conference (IEEE LISAT2015), May 1, 2015, NY, USA.

C42 O. Abuzaghleh*, B.D. Barkana. M. Faezipour, A Comparison of Feature Sets for an Automated Skin Lesion Analysis System for Melanoma Early Detection and Prevention, the 11th IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (IEEE LISAT2015), May 1, 2015, NY, USA. Curriculum Vitae: Buket D. Barkana Page | 19 19

C41 O. Abuzaghleh*, B.D. Barkana, M. Faezipour. Automated Skin Lesion Analysis Based on Color and Shape Geometry Feature Set for Melanoma Early Detection and Prevention, the 10th IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications, and Technology Conference (IEEE LISAT2014), May 2, 2014, NY, USA.

C40 O. Abuzaghleh*, M. Faezipour, B.D. Barkana. Skincure: A real-time image analysis system to aid in the malignant melanoma prevention and early detection, IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI 2014), April 6-8, 2014, San Diego, California, USA.

C39 O. Abuzaghleh*, M. Faezipour, B.D. Barkana. SKINaid: A Virtual Reality System to Aid in the Skin Cancer Prevention and Pain Treatment, the 9th Annual IEEE Conference on Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology (LISAT 2013), May 2013.

C38 I. Hameed*, H. Ocbagabir*, S. Abdulmalik*, B.D. Barkana. A Novel Vessel Segmentation Algorithm in Color Images of the Retina, the 9th IEEE Conference on Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology (LISAT2013), May 2013.

C37 C. Jin*, J. Zhou*, B.D. Barkana. Application of Different Transformation Methods to Whole Heart Region Segmentation, the 9th IEEE Conference on Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology (LISAT 2013), May 2013.

C36 M.M. Almi’ani*, B.D. Barkana. Vascular Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Angiography: A Modified Region Growing Approach, IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB12), New York, December 1, 2012.

C35 M.M. Almi?ani*, B.D. Barkana. Automatic Segmentation Algorithm for Retinal Vasculature, WORLDCOMP12, IPCV12 – The 2012 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 16-19, 2012.

C34 T. Abuzaghleh*, B.D. Barkana. Computer-Aided Technique for the Measurement of the Cobb Angle, WORLDCOMP12, IPCV12 – The 2012 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 16-19, 2012.

C33 M.M. Almiani*, B.D. Barkana. Automatic Segmentation Algorithm for Brain MRA Images, The Eighth Annual IEEE Conference on Long Island Systems, Applications, and Technology (IEEE LISAT2012), May 2012.

C32 I.A. Badara, B.D. Barkana. N. Ngoh, A. Cook, Development of a STEM Program for Teacher Educators, American Society of Engineering Education – Northeast Section Conference, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, April 28, 2012.

C31 M. Iyer*, B.D. Barkana. A Comparative Study of Pitch Tracking using ACF and Cepstral Methods, MASAUMNET First International Online Conference on Computing, 2011. Curriculum Vitae: Buket D. Barkana Page | 20 20

C30 B. Uzkent*, B.D. Barkana. Pitch-Range Based Feature Extraction for Audio Surveillance Systems, in the 8th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generation (ITNG) proceedings, April 11- 13, 2011.

C29 M. C. Demir*, K. Ozkan*, B. D. Barkana. An Approach to Automatic Car License Plate Location Based On The Color Information, 2011 ASEE New England Conference, Hartford, CT, 2011.

C28 B.D. Barkana, N. Ngoh, A. Cook. The Learning and Teaching Experiences in a Graduate Level Stem Course for Teacher Educators, 2011 ASEE New England Conference, Hartford, CT, 2011.

C27 B.D. Barkana, B. Uzkent*, I. Saricicek. Normal and Abnormal Non-Speech Audio Event Detection Using MFCC and PR-Based Feature Sets, in the IEEE International Conference on Management Science& Information Engineering proceedings, December 17-19, 2010 in Zhengzhou, China. (Invited paper).

C26 J. Toporovsky, B.D. Barkana, N. Gupta, B. Dharmadhikari*, L. Hmurcik. Friendly sabotage in machine safeguards and the role of engineering and PLCs to stop this, 2010 ASEE New England Conference, Boston, MA, May 7-8, 2010.

C25 B.D. Barkana, I. Saricicek, B. Uzkent*. Performances of the ANN, SVM, and K-means clustering methods recognizing different environmental sounds, in the Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-14, 2010.

C24 B.D. Barkana. A Graduate Level Course: Audio Processing Laboratory, in the Proceedings of 2010 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky, June 20 – 23, 2010.

C23 Y. Olagbaju*, B.D. Barkana, N. Gupta. English vowel production by native Mandarin and Hindi speakers, in the 7th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generation, April 8-10, 2010.

C22 Saricicek I., B.D. Barkana. Environmental Noise Source Classification Using Neural Networks, in the 7th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generation, April 8-10, 2010.

C21 B.D. Barkana, S. Patel*, N. Gupta, and L.V. Hmurcik,.Using real-life cases to teach students about electric burns: Part 2 Contact Burns, The Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE NE American Society for Engineering Education Conference, April 3-4, 2009.

C20 B.D. Barkana, S. Patel*, N. Gupta, and L. V. Hmurcik. Using real-life cases to teach students about electric burns: Part 1 Secondary burns, The Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE NE American Society for Engineering Education Conference, April 3-4, 2009. (Best Faculty paper, Nominee).

C19 M. Zheng*, W. Xeing*, B.D. Barkana. An automatic text-dependent speaker verification system design using MATLAB, The Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE NE American Society for Engineering Education Curriculum Vitae: Buket D. Barkana Page | 21 21 Conference, April 3-4, 2009. (Best Student paper, Nominee).

C18 L. Yu*, B.D. Barkana. Speech Disorders: An analysis of hypernasal speech using signal processing techniques, The Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE NE American Society for Engineering Education Conference, April 3-4, 2009. (Best Student paper, Nominee).

C17 B.D. Barkana, Gupta N., Hmurcik L.V. Improving teaching tools and techniques of graduate engineering courses based on students? learning styles and multiple intelligences, in the Proceedings of 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, 2009.

C16 J. Yang*, B.D. Barkana. Acoustic Properties of Different Noise Sources, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Technology – New Generations, ITNG 2009.

C15 L. Yu*, B.D. Barkana, Classifying Hypernasality Using the Pitch and Formants, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Technology – New Generations, ITNG 2009.

C14 B. Stark*. Dual Architecture Implementation of Acoustic Echo Cancellation, Advisor: B.D. Barkana, Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE NE American Society for Engineering Education Conference, April 3-4, 2009, (Student paper, Honorable Mention).

C13 R.B. Bachu*, S. Kopparthi*., B. Adapa*, B.D. Barkana. Voiced/Unvoiced Decision for Speech Signals Based on Zero-Crossing Rate and Energy, IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE08), 2008.

C12 R. Bachu*, B.K. Adapa*, S. Kopparthi*, B.D. Barkana. Separation of Voiced and Unvoiced Speech Signals using Energy and Zero Crossing Rate, ASEE Regional Conference, West Point, March 2008. (Best Student paper, Second Place).

C11 J. Patel*, R.G. Bachu*, B.D. Barkana. A Comparison of LBG and ADPCM Speech Compression Techniques, IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE08), 2008.

C10 D.S. Deepawale*, R. Bachu*, B.D. Barkana. Energy Estimation between Adjacent Formant Frequencies to Identify Speakers? Gender, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2008.

C9 B.D. Barkana, T. Barkana. Vector Transformation Effects of a Compression Algorithm Based on the Polarity of the Speech Signal, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2008.

C8 R. Bachu*., D.S. Deepawale*, B.D. Barkana, L.V. Hmurcik. An Evaluation of Indian International Graduate Students? Expectations and Experiences, 2008 ASEE (The American Society for Engineering Education) Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 22-24, Pittsburgh, PA, Curriculum Vitae: Buket D. Barkana Page | 22 22 2008.

C7 D.S. Deepawale*, B.D. Barkana. The acoustic properties of seven commonly encountered background noises for digital signal processing applications, ASEE Regional Conference, West Point, March 2008.

C6 N. Gupta, B.D. Barkana, S. Patel, L.V. Hmurcik. Discussion on High Voltages & their Successful Introduction into the Engineering Classroom Using Real-Life Accident Cases, ASEE Regional Conference, West Point, March 2008.

C5 B.D. Barkana, T. Barkana. A Simple Compression Algorithm Based on the Polarity of the Speech Signal, in Proceedings of IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE07), Dec. 3-12, 2007.

C4 B.D. Barkana. Developing the instructors? teaching techniques: Required Courses for Ph.D. Candidates, ASEE New England American Society for Engineering Education Conference, April 20-21, 2007.

C3 B.D. Barkana, M.A. Cay. The Effects of Vector Transform on Speech Compression, in Proceedings of IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering, 2006.

C2 B.D. Barkana, H.H. Erkaya. A Model for Resonant Tunneling Bipolar Transistors, in Proceedings of IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering, 2006.

C1 B. Barkana (Dedeakayogullari), M.A. Cay. Speech Compression Using a Vector Transform, Electric-Electronic and Computer Engineering Conference (ELECO), Turkey, 8-12 November 2000.

Poster Presentations

Bayan Ahmad, B.D. Barkana et. al, Fuzzy Clustering Analysis of Inflammatory Breast Cancer from Mammograms, UA Biomedical Engineering Research Day, March 15, 2024.  

Hepseeba Kode, Advisor: Buket Barkana, DNNs and Knowledge-based Feature Extraction Methods and Performance Evaluation in Breast Histopathology Images, UB RISE 2023, Bridgeport, Connecticut. (Doctoral Student Best Poster Award).

Thania Flores Garcia, Jordan Berry, Jose Cabrera, Cristian Manzueta, Rami Ammar, Moises Mocha-Paccha, Advisor: Dr. Buket Barkana Optic Disc Localization Using Omnidirectional Search Algorithm, ASEE Zone 1 Conference at Penn State University, University Park, PA, March 2023. (The poster was also presented at UBRise Research Day at the University of Bridgeport in March 2023).

Nhat Pham, Alberto Labrada, Abdullah Al Sayed, Advisors: Buket D. Barkana and Jungling Hu, Multi-Disciplinary Design of a Modular Hydroponic System, ASEE Northeast 2022 Conference at Wentworth Institute of Technology from April 22 -23, 2022.

Nhat Pham, Alberto Labrada, Abdullah Al Sayed, Advisors: Buket D. Barkana and Jungling Hu, Multi-Disciplinary Design of a Modular Hydroponic System, University of Bridgeport Faculty Research Day, April 2022.

Roshan Bhatt Kumar, Buket D. Barkana, Image Processing Techniques for Detecting Pneumonia, University of Bridgeport Faculty Research Day, April 2022.

Alberto Labrada, Buket D. Barkana, Analysis of Mitosis Occurrence in Breast Histopathology Images, University of Bridgeport Faculty Research Day, April 2022.

R. Chen*, D. Cheng*, J. Guo*, Y. Shen*, C. Yang*, Advisor: B.D. Barkana. Automatic commemorative coin recognition system by using image processing techniques. ASEE NE Conference 2018. (Undergraduate poster)

C. Yang*, Y. Ozkan*, B.D. Barkana. Audio Surveillance Systems: Suspicious Sound Recognition. ASEE NE Conference 2018. (Undergraduate poster)

I.A. Badara, S. Sarab*, A. Medisetty*, A.P. Cook, J. Cook, B.D. Barkana. The Influence of Emotional States on Short-Term Memory Retention by Using Electroencephalography (EEG) Measurements: A Case Study. University of Bridgeport, Faculty Research Day, March 24, 2017. (Best Faculty Poster Award).

O. Abuzaghleh*, M. Faezipour, B.D. Barkana. SKINcure: An innovative Smartphone-based application to assist in melanoma early detection and prevention, Faculty Research Day, University of Bridgeport, CT, USA, April 2016. (Best Faculty Poster Award).

S.L.P. Pedapati*, S. Shobhitha*, S. Sabbidi*, B.D. Barkana. Computer-aided analysis of gray and white brain matter in Alzheimer patients, ASEE NE, 2016.

Badara, B.D. Barkana, N. Gupta, N. Ngoh, A. Cook, M. Gherasimova. Planning for a Teacher Fellowship/Master Teacher Program to serve high-need schools in urban southwestern Connecticut, Poster presentation, NSF, Robert Noyce Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA, March 20-22, 2014.

Hameed*, H. Ocbagabir*, S. Abdulmalik*, B.D. Barkana. Blood Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images with a Novel Network Tracking Algorithm, American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Northeast Section Conference, David Crawford School of Engineering, Norwich University, March 14-16, 2013. (Student poster competition: Second Place).

T. Abuzaghleh*, B.D. Barkana. A Computer-Aided Method for the Cobb Angle Measurement, Poster Presentation, 2012 American Society of Engineering Education – Northeast Section Conference, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, April 28, 2012. This poster was also presented at the University of Bridgeport Faculty Research Day (Student poster competition: Third Place).

Badara, A. Cook, N. Ngoh, B.D. Barkana. Development of a STEM Program for Teachers, Poster presentation, American Society of Engineering Education – Northeast Section Conference, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, April 28, 2012. This poster was also presented at the University of Bridgeport Faculty Research Day 2012.

M.C. Demir*, K. Ozkan*, B.D. Barkana. Automatic License Plate Location and Recognition Algorithm for Color Images, 2011 ASEE New England Conference, Hartford, CT, Poster Presentation, 2011.

M.M. Almiani*, B.D. Barkana. Magnetic Resonance Angiography: Automatic Segmentation of Cerebral Vessels, 2011 ASEE New England Conference, Hartford, CT, Poster Presentation, 2011.

N. Ngoh, A. Cook, B.D. Barkana. STEM for Teacher Educators, Poster Presentation, UB Faculty Research Development Day Feb 2011 and ASEE New England Conference, Hartford, CT, 2011.

L. Yu*, B.D. Barkana. Accent and Gender Recognition from Speech, 2010 ASEE New England Conference, Boston, MA, Poster Presentation, May 7-8, 2010.

B. Uzkent*, B.D. Barkana, Environmental Noise Classifier using SVMs, 2010 ASEE New England Conference, Boston, MA, Poster Presentation, May 7-8, 2010.

S. Potla*, D.S. Deepawale*. Acoustic Properties of seven commonly encounter background noises, Advisor: B.D. Barkana, ASEE Regional Conference, West Point, Poster Presentation, March 2008.

R. Bachu*, D.S. Deepawale*. Emotional Speech Detection, Advisor: B.D. Barkana, ASEE Regional Conference, West Point, Poster Presentation, March 2008. (Student poster competition, Honorable Mention Award).

D.S. Deepawale*, R. Bachu*. Speaker′s Gender Identification using Speech Signal Processing, Advisor: B.D. Barkana, ASEE Regional Conference, West Point, Poster Presentation, March 2008.N. Hirani*, V. Suhagiya*. Speaker Identification System, Advisor: B.D. Barkana, ASEE NE Conference, Bridgeport, Poster Presentation, April 3-4, 2009. (Student poster competition, Honorable Mention Award).