Rishi Polara

Contact: rp203@uakron.edu; Rishipolara2912@gmail.com

Linkedln: Rishi Polara

Hometown: Mehsana, Gujarat, India


BS in Chemistry (2020) – St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. MS in Organic Chemistry (2022) – St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. MS in Polymer Science (Present) – The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, United States.

Work Experience:

One-month Research and Development Intern at Amee Castor and Derivatives ltd, Gujarat, India One-month Manufacturing Intern at Royal Castor Products Ltd, Gujarat, India. One-month Processing Intern at Texas Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Gujarat, India. One-month Manufacturing Intern at Aarti Organics Pvt. Ltd., Gujarat, India.

Research Interests: Water dispersed adhesion based polymer solution for canvas preservation.