
Enriched Doctoral Training in the Mathematical Sciences (EDT)

Main Purpose: This program supports doctoral students’ participation in “research activities supplementary to the dissertation research theme” with the goal of improving research training, preparing students for a wider range of careers, and encouraging connections between mathematical science departments and other disciplines (including other academic departments, businesses, government agencies, and non-profits).



  • Standard grant to support training outside one’s dissertation work including:
    • Internships
    • Research projects
    • Consulting
    • Participation in complementary courses or summer schools
  • 5-10 grants available
  • Grant can be used to benefit a cohort of students

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Proposals must come from an academic institution in The United States that grants a doctoral degree in the mathematical sciences.
  • “Projects are expected to train students to work in teams to refine, attack, and solve problems that are open-ended, not initially sharply formulated, and originate outside the academic mathematical realm. Projects should also provide opportunities that allow the students to develop strong oral and written communication skills in an interdisciplinary setting.”

Application Link and Additional Information: click here

Deadline: July 8, 2015