Microwave testing has been paid only scant attention in the literature as a method for nondestructive testing of materials, yet it offers some attractive features, especially for the testing of composites and other nonmetallic materials.
Microwave techniques have been used in a large number of applications that can be classified as nondestructive testing applications, ranging from large scale remote sensing to detection of tumors in the body. This volume describes a unified approach to microwave nondestructive testing by presenting the three essential components of testing: theory, practice, and modeling.
While recognizing that each of these subjects is wide enough to justify a volume of its own, the presentation of the three topics together shows that they are interrelated and should be practiced together. While few will argue against a good theoretical background, modeling and simulation of the testing environment is seldom part of the NDT training in any method, but particularly so in microwave testing. The text is divided into four parts. The first part presents the field theory background necessary for understanding the microwave domain. This includes chapter 1, 2 and 3. The second part treats microwave measurements as well as devices and sources and includes chapter 4 and 5.
Chapter 6, 7, and 8 discuss practical tests applicable to a variety of materials and geometries. The fourth part discusses modeling of microwave testing and consists of chapter 9, 10 and 11. Each chapter contains a bibliography intended to expand on the material given and, in particular, to point to subjects which could not be covered either as not appropriate or for lack of space. Audience: engineers, appliedphysicists,materials scientists.
Kluwer Publishing Company, Amsterdam
Nov. 1992, 394 pages
ISBN 0-7923-2007-7