Course Outlines

Course outlines: The outlines below are the most current outlines available for the listed courses.

Electromagnetics I, 4400:353, Fall 2018, PDF format

Electromagnetics I, 4400:353, Fall 2018, HTM format

Antenna Theory, 4400:453 (undergraduate) and 4400:553 (graduate), Fall 2018, PDF

Antenna Theory, 4400:453 (undergraduate) and 4400:553 (graduate) Fall 2018, HTM

Introduction to sensors and actuators, 4400:469 (undergraduate) and 4400:598 (graduate), Summer 2017, PDF

Introduction to sensors and actuators, 4400:469 (undergraduate) and 4400:598 (graduate), Summer 2017, HTM

Electromagnetics II, 4400:354, Spring 2018, PDF format

Electromagnetics II, 4400:354, Spring 2018, HTM format

Electromagnetic Compatibility, 4400:451, Spring 2018, PDF format

Electromagnetic Compatibility, 4400:451, Spring 2018, HTM format

Introduction to Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID), 4400:391, Spring 2006, PDF

Introduction to Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID), 4400:391, Spring 2006, HTM format