Access Services Dean's Office Electronic Services General Interest

Easier than Ever to Book Rooms in Bierce

Booking study rooms and learning studios in Bierce Library got a much needed upgrade!

Over the summer, Paul and the Access Services staff moved all our student booking of Bierce Library study rooms from the Sierra platform to the LibCal platform. We believe the LibCal platform will be more user-friendly and require less staff time to manage.

At the beginning of this semester, we started moving our mediated booking (Learning Studios) bookings to LibCal as well. As of yesterday, Don will be approving all Learning Studio bookings via LibCal only (thanks Don!). The links on our website have been updated and hopefully you’ll find the experience to be seamless and much simpler.

This is the direct link for booking a learning studio: 

If you have questions about how the system works, please contact Paul x6986 or Stephanie x7224.