Electronic Services General Interest

Tech Services at OVGTSL

Gregg Harris, Joy Ramos, Jennifer Davis, Tracie Pickett, Melanie McGurr, and Mike Monaco presented at the Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians (OVGTSL) 2024 Conference in Dublin, Ohio.

Mike Monaco, Tracie Pickett, Jennifer Davis, Gregg Harris, Joy Ramos presented When you have a minute, tell me everything you know: express cataloger training for ETDs.

Melanie co-presented with Kent State’s Sean Kennedy discussing the Benefits and limitations of data-driven decision making during large scale weeding projects.

Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

Monaco Published & Serving

Mike Monaco’s book, The Highest Level of All : The story of Fantasy Wargaming (illustrated by Heather J. Ford, Bradley University) was published by Carnegie-Melon University’s ETC Press. It’s published under an open access license so that a free PDF available for download. Details here:

This year Mike is also serving as Coordinator of the Ohio Library Council’s Technical Services Division Action Council and Vice Chair of the OhioLINK DIAD policy team.

Nicely done, Mike!

Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

McGurr Collaborates & Presents

Sean Kennedy (Kent State University), Melanie McGurr, and Kevin Garewal (University of Rochester) will be presenting their preliminary research concerning management of work-related burnout in academic library technical services departments at the 2022 virtual Conference on Academic Library Management (CALM) in April.

Sean Kennedy, Gregg Harris, and Melanie McGurr will be presenting at the Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians in May at the 2022 hybrid conference in Bloomington, Indiana. Their presentation will focus on the use of Excel, Teams, and Sierra along with GreenGlass to streamline a collections merger.

Nice teamwork, Melanie!

Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

Monaco Conference Report

Mike Monaco, Cataloging Services, wrote a report on the OVGTSL 2021 conference which was published this month in Technical Services Quarterly.

OVGTSL (The Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians) held their 2021 meeting online, and the conference committee was chaired by Melanie McGurr. On a side note, this was the conference we tried to host at UA in 2020 before COVID made that impossible.

Nice work, Mike!

Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

Monaco Presenting MARCs of Quality

Mike Monaco will be presenting a webinar for NEO-RLS next week, “MARCs of Quality.” It’s on evaluating bibliographic (catalog) records. The full info is here:

Nice work, Mike!

Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

Monaco Presentation

On October 15th, Mike Monaco presented as part of panel, “Sheltering, Surviving and Thriving in Place: A View From Technical Services.”   The presentation was a program for the Ohio Library Council’s 2021 Convention & Expo in Columbus, Ohio. The other panelists were Karen Sykeny (Massillon Public Library) and Misty Alvaro (Columbus Metropolitan Library). We spoke about how our libraries, especially in technical services, dealt with the changes to our staffing and work conditions during the pandemic, and what we learned. I was also able to attend the first two days of the conference on October 13-14 because of an ALAO Continuing Education grant I was awarded, which paid for my accommodations and registration.

Nice representation, Mike!

Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development University Press

McGurr Serving on Boards

Melanie McGurr was elected to the Board of the Northeast Ohio Regional Library System (NEORLS) as the Academic Library representative for the July 2021 to June 2024 term. Melanie previously served as the Academic Library representative when she was appointed to finish out Dean Aimee deChambeau’s term on the Board from 2020-2021. Melanie will also continue to serve on the Finance Committee as part of her Board duties.

Melanie was also appointed to the Editorial Board of the University of Akron Press. Her three-year term begins August 2021.

Nice representation, Melanie!

Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

Procházka Preface Added

Musikproduktion Höflich has reissued Otakar Ostrčil’s Impromptu for orchestra, with a new preface by David Procházka.  You can read David’s introduction by following this link:

Nice work, David!

Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

Monaco Presentation

On January 20th, Mike Monaco presented a webinar for NEO-RLS: “Getting the Word In: Advocating for Technical Services in a Public Service Profession.”  In this webinar, they looked at how Technical Services (TS) supports the public services. They also trouble shot some common scenarios to help participants advocate for TS by explaining how their work supports the mission of the library.  To read more about the Northeast Ohio Regional Library System (NEO-RLS), go to: 

Nice work, Mike! 

Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

Procházka Committee Work

Over the past year, David Procházka served on the planning committee for the 2020 OLAC Conference (  It was originally set to be held in Columbus, but had to switch to online delivery, due to COVID.  The conference was held October 13-16, and David moderated half-a-dozen sessions by introducing the speakers, managing scores of questions, and keeping events on schedule.  OLAC is a professional organization for catalogers, which supports the development of expertise in cataloging resources in many formats, including video, audio, and three-dimensional objects, by offering format-specific training. 

Impressive work, David!