Study Abroad India

Security & Technology/ Bangalore Old & New

Today we listened to Mr. Rangan Mohan speak about security and Technology issues in India. Indian IT first began in 1991. In 1996 India started to provide a lot of IT services to the U.S. The first phase began in 1996 which was driven mostly by the low cost to do IT in India. Next from 2001-2006 a lot of IT was driven by productivity.  After this by Innovation from 2006-2009. He also explained organizations like NASSCOM which is the National Association for software and services in India. Some of the most important data from the U.S. like healthcare is sent to India for processing, but it is thoroughly encrypted so no one can take it. Overall his discussion I think really covered the security and technology issues most companies face in India and the U.S. today.

After we were done with this lecture we had probably one of the most interesting lectures we’ve had so far! The lecture was called Bangalore old & New and it was led by a well know Indian art historian named Suresh Jairam. We found out Bangalore used to be called the Bean Town City for its boiled beans. The main business in Bangalore is driven by Biotechnology and IT. Some call Bangalore the Silicon Valley of India because of its IT sector. Bangalore also has a large horticulture market because of its fantastic weather! What is very interesting is that Bangalore has some of the very first breweries in India and it was the first place for the Kingfisher beer brand to be brewed! ! Also I was very interested to find out Bangalore has a Pub Crawl which starts early in the afternoon and ends round eleven in the evening. Bangalore was also the first city in Asia to have electricity in 1906 and many of the architecture is mainly based off British influences in the city.