Hello everyone,

The Wayne County Mini Maker Faire is a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness and a celebration of the Maker Movement.  It’s a place where people show what they are making and share what they are learning.  Makers range from tech enthusiasts to crafters to homesteaders to scientists to garage tinkerers. They are of all ages and backgrounds. The aim of Maker Faire is to entertain, inform, connect and grow this community.

The Daily Record said it best: “Dubbed the ‘Greatest Show and Tell on Earth’; over 1,200 people flocked to the third annual faire at the University of Akron Wayne College last May.  It was a fresh experience with favorite makers from last year coming back along with new makers and new things to see and do.

Maker Faire Bay Area 2019 was also in May, the largest Maker Faire in the world!  Thousands of attendees experienced hundreds of hands-on and interactive exhibits, eight stages brimming with presentations, performances and how-to’s across science, art, craft and engineering.  Adam Savage inspired maker with his “Sunday Sermon”.  Folks tried their hands at circuitry, lace making, and light saber training, while others honed their drone operator chops with the Museum of Future Sports.  There was mobile architecture in the Tiny Home Zone, feats of flex and power on the Dance Battle stage, even the SFBazaar to shop for handmade and hard-to-find crafts.  Big art! Droids! Robots! Racecars! Drones! Fire!  Glimpse the future and get inspired at Maker Faire!

Checkout these photo recaps from Saturday & Sunday!

We are proud to showcase Ohio makers participating in the Wayne County Mini Maker Faire.  One of these people is Dan Kaufman of EthosPossibility Learning Center.  Dan is involved with cutting edge sustainability and green energy initiatives such as endothermic ceramic coatings, advance phase change heat batteries, radiant barrier insulation, soap-less cold water laundry system, MHD Magnetic field generators, HHO dry cell generators.  Dan is an Ohio farm boy at-heart, never ending grad. student, researcher, and developer.

Another group that participated in the Wayne County Mini Maker Faire is Zips Electric Racing.  An all-electric race car is built each year by University of Akron students using Formula SAE rules (open-wheel style, mini-F1).  Their project includes Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and extensive manufacturing and testing.

Formula SAE/Formula Student encompasses students to engage themselves into a work environment similar to the engineering industry. These students are challenged to incorporate their classroom knowledge into effective designs related to the automotive industry. In the end, the experience and opportunity young students gain from such an engineering project produces engineers not found in classrooms alone.

Rounding out our participating makers is Gregory Peterson of Arcanaclast: Dungeoncraft and Miniatures.  Gregory uses a number of techniques and mediums, including 3D printing, sculpture and painting, to create fantasy tabletop miniatures for games and displays.

Experimenting with a multitude of media, Gregory Peterson has been crafting / sculpting / painting / building all kinds of nerdy things over the past year. Professionally a graphic designer, he uses his artistic talents outside the office for his passion of fantasy and role-playing games. He is always excited to expand his knowledge of non-traditional media and platforms.

If you would like to know more about Dan’s sustainability and green energy initiatives, Zips Electric Racing’s cool electric race car, or Gregory’s fantasy tabletop miniatures, please reply to this email!

Until next week,
