Maker Faire Wayne County is a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness and a celebration of the Maker Movement. It’s a place where people show what they are making and share what they are learning. Makers range from tech enthusiasts to crafters to homesteaders to scientists to garage tinkerers. They are of all ages and backgrounds. The aim of Maker Faire is to entertain, inform, connect and grow this community.

The Daily Record said it best: “Dubbed the ‘Greatest Show and Tell on Earth’; over 1,200 people flocked to the third annual faire at the University of Akron Wayne College the summer before last. It was a fresh experience with favorite makers from previous years along with new makers and new things to see and do.
Adam Savage of MythBusters Talks About Making
As part of one of Maker Faire’s largest festivals in the world, Adam Savage gave a speech Maker Faire San Mateo. It was a blistering take on how making can help democratize disparities of income and opportunity.

Maker Faire Wayne County 2022 is a Go!

The University of Akron Wayne College is proud to host Maker Faire Wayne County for its fourth year, scheduled for Saturday, May 21, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Plan to attend and plan to participate, it’s free! Maker Faire is all about everyone showing off they are passionate about, their hobbies and crazy inventions. Be part of the fun! Projects of all ages are welcome: adults, schools, businesses, and kids alike. There is something for everyone at Maker Faire! We will announce soon when we will start taking applications.
Maker Highlights
We are proud to showcase Ohio makers who participated in Maker Faire Wayne County. One of these is David Walker, a music producer and professional DJ. A number of years ago, he started his own entertainment company called DRAW Entertainment and made a living from traveling the world, DJ’ing, and creating/producing music.

At Maker Faire Wayne County, David brought a wide variety of audio equipment to show people how to manipulate sounds with today’s technology and create music from anything! He demonstrated how to manipulate music and create remixes, mix music, and more. Faire goers tried their hands at creating music with David and learned how to be a DJ and music producer by allowing them to press buttons ,turn knobs, and play notes. It make for a fun, loud, rockin’ part of the faire!
Another person who participated in Maker Faire Wayne County is Natalia Wardega of RePlay for Kids. RePlay has been training volunteers to adapt toys since 1999. Its mission is to increase the availability of adapted toys and assistive devices for children with disabilities. RePlay for Kids repairs, adapts, and distributes toys and assistive devices free of charge. In doing so, they strive to raise awareness and increase the number and variety of toys and devices available to the children who need them. Last year, they gave away over 1,500 toys to children and agencies.

At Maker Faire Wayne County, RePlay for Kids taught volunteers to adapt toys for kids with disabilities. Volunteers learned how to solder a wire in parallel with the original switch so that a child can activate the toy teaching them “cause and effect”. Their booth at the faire was a hit! There was a continual stream of children and adults learning how to adapt toys hands on with instruction. We are so glad Replay for Kids supports the Maker community.
Rounding out our participating makers is Elia Meltzer. She established Alaina Accessories LLC that works with indigenous artists in North America to provide a wide range of authentic and unique wearable art. Her company provides high quality products that showcase the diversity of indigenous craftsmanship.

At Maker Faire Wayne County last May, Alaina brought authentic Native American Native American art, jewelry, and accessories made by Native American artists from around the country. From dream catchers to bone carvings, from necklaces to key chains, she displayed a variety of products. Faire attendees learned about the symbolism and traditions of the Native peoples and also the hardships that Native Americans face.
If you would like to know more about David’s music & DJ’ing, repurposing toys with Replay for Kids, or Elia’s beautiful Native American art, please reply to this email!
Until next week,