Emotions and Aging Lab

Emotion Perception and Aging:

In one line of research, we study age differences in emotion perception, with a particular focus on how young and older adults identify facial expressions of emotion (e.g., anger, sadness, joy). We are interested in both the underlying mechanisms of any age differences in emotion perception as well as the functional consequences of such age differences in everyday life (e.g., interpersonal relationships, deceit detection).

Emotion Regulation and Aging:

In our second research area, we strive to understand differences in emotion regulation abilities and strategies across the adult lifespan. We are interested in the ways in which young and older adults differ when managing their emotions, and whether these differences are or are not adaptive for each individual’s life stage. Overall, we hope our research contributes to a better understanding of aging and emotions, which in turn, may improve the quality of life for adults of all ages.