Stephen L. McIntosh

Office: Franklin County – Common Pleas Court General Division

Age: 60

Residence: Gahanna, OH


Website: N/A

Occupation: Judge

Education: JD Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
Work Experience: 5/84-6/86 Columbus City Attorney Of×ce Assistant
City Prosecutor; 6/86-1/91 Secretary of State Sherrod Brown Deputy
Director UCC Div; 1/91-2/97 Crabbe Brown Jones Potts & Schmidt
(now Crabbe Brown James) Associate; 2/97-1/08 Columbus City
Attorney Of×ce Chief Prosecutor; 1/08 to present Franklin County
Court of Common Pleas Judge

Family: Married Three Children

Affiliations: Columbus Bar Association Past President, Ohio State Bar
Association former Board Member, John Mercer Langston Bar
Association, Chair Supreme Court Task Force to Examine
Improvements to the Ohio Grand Jury System, Vice Chair Joint Task
Force to Study the Administration of the Death Penalty in Ohio, Past
Chair Alvis, Board Member Gahanna Y, Member Ohio Sentencing
Commission, Past Chair Supreme Court CLE Commission, Past Member
YMCA Race Relation Vision Council, Past Member Supreme Court
Advisory Committee on Dispute Resolution, 15 years Legal Advisor
Marion Franklin Mock Trial Team, Deacon Second Baptist Church, Past
Member Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Interpreter Services

Endorsements: Stonewall Democrats of Central Ohio

Bar Association Ratings:

(1) List your judicial experience (courts and years):
January 8, 2008 to present Franklin County Court of Common Pleas
General Division

(2) What about your non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a
When I was practicing law I had the opportunity to work as a
prosecutor, a criminal defense lawyer, civil defense and civil plaintiff
attorney. As a prosecutor I got to understand the difficulty experience
by victims moving through the system and worked hard not to victimize
them a second time when dealing with their case. As a criminal defense
attorney I represented defendants and was able to understand how
intimidating and confusing it was for many of them to be in the
“system.” It was my responsibility to ensure that their rights were
protected and to provide them information in a way that allowed them
to make an informed decision on how to resolve their case.
In civil litigation I am under the pressures and stresses associated with
defending a case when a suit has been filed against a person or
company as well pursuing a case in which a person believes they were
wronged by an individual or company. Of course, understanding the law
in all of these areas from a practical stand point before I took the bench
helped me tremendously. However, experiencing the many sides
involved in litigation helped me to understand that legal system is all
about people. We as attorneys and judges are dealing with people in
some of the most stressful times in their lives and it is our responsibility
to make sure win or lose, the system worked.

(3) Why are you running for this particular court seat?
In The Common Pleas Court we deal with some of the worst crimes
that can be committed by a person. We also deal with people because
of their situation or circumstances commit crimes. The former group of
criminals as a judge I need to decide an appropriate prison sentence to
protect the public. The latter group as a judge I need to figure out the
appropriate treatment, programs or classes that provide them the skills
and tools to keep them from returning to the criminal justice system. In
both situations justice is served.
In civil litigation we deal with cases in which the amount in controversy
can be in the millions of dollars whether it involves the death of a family
member because of the negligence of a person or company or a
business dispute. Whether the case is large or small they are all important and require a judge to take every case seriously. When I was
elected judge in 2007 I made a commitment to be the type of judge who
when people walked out of my courtroom whether they won or loss,
got what they wanted or not that they felt the system worked. I have
tried to do that for the 11 1/2 years I have been on the bench. When
elected because I knew I would be sending people to prison I visited
several prisons in the state to see the type of programming that would
be available for persons I would send there. For the last several years I
have been the drug court judge for the common pleas court all in a
effort to try to make a difference in the lives of those coming through
our court system. It is for all of the reasons that I have provided that I
am running again.