Steven Martin

Office: Hamilton County – Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas

Age: 61

Residence: Mariemont, OH


Website:; Facebook—Judge Steven Martin

Occupation: Common Pleas Judge

Education: B.S. Indiana University 1979, J.D. Indiana University 1982

Work Experience: Hamilton County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney,
Lindhorst and Dreidame law firm

Family: Married with 2 daughters

Affiliations: Common Pleas Judge, Ohio State Bar Association,
Cincinnati Bar Association, Volunteer Chaplain at The Christ Hospital,

Endorsements: N/A

Bar Association Ratings: N/A

(1) List your judicial experience (courts and years):
I have been a Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge since December
16, 1996. I have been a Commercial Docket Judge with our court since
2008. I have presided over literally thousands of cases both civil and

(2) What about your non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a
I have been a practicing attorney since 1982. While in practice I
handled both civil and criminal cases. Prior to becoming a Judge, I was
both a prosecutor and criminal defense attorney. On civil cases, I
represented both plaintiffs and defendants. This extensive experience
in both civil and criminal practice has been helpful and necessary in
making sure that the cases and the parties that come before me receive
Since becoming a Judge, I have handled major civil and criminal cases.
Since 2008 I have been a Judge on the Commercial Docket which
handles complex business litigation. Through the Ohio Judicial College,
I help teach other Ohio judges how to preside over Death Penalty
Cases. I am a frequent speaker at Continuing Legal Education seminars
for attorneys. I have been a Whiz Kids tutor at John P. Parker School in
Madisonville working with underprivileged youth. I volunteered for 15
years at the Fernside Center for Grieving Children using the experience
of my mother dying when I was 13 to help others with their loss. I have
served on the Board of the Living Hope Transitional Home for Women
as well as on the Board of the Friends of William Howard Taft National
Park. I am a Volunteer Chaplain at The Christ Hospital and have served
on the Missions Committee of my church. I have also mentored young
lawyers through the Lawyer to Lawyer program of the Ohio Supreme
Court. I have been a Judge in High School and College Mock Trial
programs. I speak frequently to civic groups about the justice system. I
am also a member of the Mariemont Civic association.

(3) Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I believe in and have fought for the principle that our court system must
be completely open and transparent. I intend to continue that effort.
My extensive experience handling both civil and criminal cases helps
ensure that all who come before me will receive a fair trial. The citizens
of Hamilton County are entitled to no less. I have also fought for merit
hiring on our court and will continue to do so. I enjoy being a trial judge.
It is the best opportunity to make sure all of the citizens of Hamilton
County receive justice. It has been a privilege to be able to do this work.
I am proud to have been elected/re-elected by the voters of Hamilton
County in 1998, 2000, 2006 and 2012. For criminal and civil cases, both
sides are equally entitled to a fair trial. My experience helps make this
happen in case after case. Knowledge of the Rules of Procedure and
Rules of Evidence is critical to making sure all sides receive the fair trial
to which they are entitled. In criminal cases, once there is a conviction,
the victims of that crime are entitled to have input as to the defendant’s
sentence. Sometimes justice is best served by a prison sentence while
at other times drug treatment or other programs are in the best
interest of society. My experience helps when determining which
resources will work best to protect society.
My goal with non-violent criminal defendants is to work to get them
out of the criminal justice system and working. I am proud our court has
a Drug Court, a Mental Health Court and a Veterans Court to work
with the people who come before us and I utilize those resources
whenever possible. I have worked for our court to have neighborhood
probation substations to supervise probationers and help people
succeed and find out quickly when they are not succeeding. For the
violent predators that come before me, prison is the best and
frequently the only solution to protect society. Both civil and criminal
cases need to be resolved as quickly and fairly as possible. There is no
reason for a case that should be completed in 2 months to take 2 years.
I work hard to make sure those cases that can be resolved quickly are
resolved quickly. Delays cost everyone and needless delays are not