Tag Archives: Awards

Graduate Student Cassie Richards Awarded Psi Chi Research Grant!

Cassie Richards

2nd Year Graduate Student Cassie Richards was selected as a recipient of the 2017-18 Mamie Phipps Clark Research Grant from Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology.



This $1,500 award will support Cassie’s master’s thesis research entitled, Age-Related Differences in Social Regulation of Emotion: Do Older Adults Outsource Emotion More than Young Adults?

Congratulations, Cassie!

Mamie Phipps Clark was the first African-American woman to earn a Doctor of Philosophy degree in psychology from Columbia University.

Jennifer Turner wins APS Student Grant Competition!

2nd Year Graduate Student Jennifer Turner is one of 8 winners of the 2017 Association for Psychological Science Student Grant Competition.

This seed grant of $500 will help pay for participants for Jenni’s master’s thesis, entitled, The Effectiveness of Power Poses for Increasing the Perceived Competence of Older Adults.

Congratulations, Jenni, on this prestigious award!

Dr. Stanley awarded Faculty Research Summer Fellowship from UA!

UA Seal

Dr. Stanley was awarded an internal fellowship from the University of Akron for her proposal entitled, The Malleability of Age Deficits in Emotion Perception. This award will enable Dr. Stanley to conduct research during the Summer 2016 studying how expertise in American Sign Language influences age differences in emotion perception. Find out more about the American Sign Language Expertise Study.

Graduate Student Katie Harrington Awarded Workshop Opportunity!

Katie Harrington has been selected as 1 of 12 researches accepted to attend the 2015 Summer Training Workshop on African American Aging Research.MCUAAARThe Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research  in the Institute of Gerontology at Wayne State University hosts a workshop each summer to train promising early stage career scientists committed to studying African American aging research. Congratulations Katie for being selected for this opportunity!


Graduate Student Awarded Scholarship to Attend SEM Workshop!

Picture on the cover of Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken (2002). Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences, depicting the relationships between gender, seniority, productivity, and eminence in predicting salary.

Rising 3rd year graduate student, Britney Kurtz, has been accepted to attend the American Psychological Association’s Advanced Training Institute workshop on Structural Equation Modeling in Longitudinal Research this summer.

apa logo

Britney received funding from the APA Advanced Training Institute and was awarded a scholarship from the Department of Psychology to attend the workshop.

UA Department of Psychology

Congratulations to Britney — she is working hard to change the relationships between gender and social rewards depicted in the model above (Women in Science: Yes we can!)!