Electronic Services

Sierra Help Access Issue … updated

We’re experiencing issues accessing Sierra Help on our local Sierra Server.  When accessing Sierra Help via the Sierra Desktop App or through a saved bookmark, users are prompted twice for their Sierra login and password. After entering the login and password the second time, the login fails.  I’ll open a ticket with III.  In the mean time, you can still access Sierra Help through III CSDirect.

Usually I’d tell you to go to the Sierra SharePoint for the link to CSDirect and the CSDirect username and password.  However, this information is on a web page in SharePoint and if you read my previous post, you’ll know that I can’t because you won’t be able to see the information :(.

If you need to access Sierra Help, send me an e-mail or call me and I’ll send you the link to CSDirect and get you the username and password.

Update 8/2/2016 4:45 pm
III is aware of the issue and is working to resolve it. You can access Sierra Help via CSDirect.  From the CSDirect home page, click on Sierra and then click on SIerra Web  Help.

For CSDirect access and login information go to:

By Susan DiRenzo Ashby

Associate Professor and Coordinator, Library Systems