Design & Development Services General Interest

Lampner in Panel Discussion

Wendy Lampner, Director of Design & Development Services, is participating in a panel discussion this afternoon, June 24, 2020, entitled Transitioning to an Online Learning Environment ‘On the Fly’ During COVID-19.  Described as a vendor agnostic panel discussion which features higher education LMS thought leaders and LMS owners. They will focus this discussion on how the existing LMS technology and support helped prepare higher education institutions to deal with the transition to ALL online instruction and remote learning, and the implications of doing so. Panelists will focus on sharing: lessons learned; opportunities for improvement; best practices that may benefit the research and education community; and more.

Speakers: Diane Butler, Rice University; John Fritz, University of Maryland Baltimore County; Wendy Lampner, The University of Akron; Tom Lewis, University of Washington

Well done, Wendy!