Richard L. Londraville, Ph. D.

Professor of Biology, University of Akron

Courses/Research Opportunities

In my nearly 2 decades at UA, I have taught many courses from freshman to Ph.D. students. These include Principles of Biology, Ichthyology, several techniques classes, and Advanced Cell Physiology. Currently I teach a freshman development course for Biology majors- Professional Development for Biology Majors.  I also teach a senior-level undergraduate course for the BS/MD (premed), Biochemistry, and Biology majors called Cell Physiology (with a 2-credit lab). On occasion (when we can get enough students), I teach Tropical Vertebrate Zoology with Peter Niewiarowski.  This course either travels to the Florida Keys or to Moorea, Tahiti.  Please contact me for current syllabi (everything is on our course management software- Springboard).
