Math & Science

Mathematics and Physical Sciences – Simons Collaborations in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences

Deadline: February 29, 2016

The Simons Foundation invites applications for the Simons Collaborations in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences (MPS) program. The aim of the Simons Collaborations in MPS program is to stimulate progress on fundamental scientific questions of major importance in the broad area of mathematics, theoretical physics, and theoretical computer science. A Simons Collaboration in MPS should address a mathematical or theoretical topic of fundamental scientific importance, where a significant new development creates a novel area for exploration or provides a new direction for progress in an established field. The foundation expects to make up to two awards in 2016.

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Chemical Oceanography

Deadline: February 15, 2016

The Chemical Oceanography Program supports research into the chemical components, reaction mechanisms, and geochemical pathways within the ocean and at its interfaces with the solid earth and the atmosphere.

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Physical Oceanography

Deadline: February 15, 2016

The Physical Oceanography Program supports research on a wide range of topics associated with the structure and movement of the ocean, with the way in which it transports various quantities, with the way the ocean’s physical structure interacts with the biological and chemical processes within it, and with interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere, solid earth and ice that surround it.

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Biological Oceanography

Deadline: February 16, 2016

The Biological Oceanography Program supports research in marine ecology broadly defined: relationships among aquatic organisms and their interactions with the environments of the oceans or Great Lakes. Projects submitted to the program for consideration are often interdisciplinary efforts that may include participation by other OCE Programs.

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