NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers: Limited Submission Opportunity
Internal Limited Submission Deadline to the Office of Research Administration: Friday, April 19, 2019
NSF Preliminary Proposal Due Date (required): June 24, 2019
Funding Opportunity Description
The nature of materials research demands mechanisms to support interdisciplinary collaboration for the conception and execution of ideas, and for developing the capabilities to sustain our nation’s competitiveness in the production of new technology and products based on advances in materials research. Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSECs) are expected to contribute to the development of a diverse and globally competitive scientific workforce for increased economic competitiveness of the United States.
MRSECs support multidisciplinary materials research and education of the highest quality while addressing fundamental problems in materials science of a scope and complexity requiring the scale and synergy provided by a campus-based research center. MRSECs require outstanding research quality, intellectual breadth, multidisciplinarity, flexibility in responding to new research opportunities, support for research infrastructure, and foster the integration of research and education in the materials field. They are expected to have strong links to industry and other sectors, as appropriate, and to contribute to the development of a national network of university-based centers in materials research.
The NSF’s mission is to promote and facilitate the progress of science, engineering, and related education in the United States. Its role in supporting research and education is particularly important in creating physical and human resources infrastructure in both traditional and emerging areas. NSF also promotes partnerships, including collaboration with other US IHEs, agencies, industry, national and government laboratories, for projects of mutual interest. International collaborations are also strongly encouraged.
The MRSEC program reinforces NSF’s commitment to excellence in research and education; it is national in scope and significance, requiring coordination of the overall effort among Centers. The MRSEC program complements, but does not substitute for, NSF support for individual investigators, small groups, national user facilities, and instrumentation in materials research.
Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization:
Only one MRSEC preliminary proposal may be submitted by any one organization as the lead institution in this competition.
For full program details visit NSF’s webpage or the solicitation NSF-19-517.
For details regarding The University of Akron’s limited submission process, visit the ORA Limited Submission webpage.