A NOTE FROM NIH REGARDING COVID-19. “The NIH is deeply concerned for the health and safety of people involved in NIH research, and about the effects on the biomedical enterprise in the areas affected by the HHS declared public health emergency for COVID-19. This is a rapidly evolving situation, and we are aware that many institutions are taking a variety of “social distancing” measures, including switching to telework and cancelling or postponing classes and non-essential meetings.”
“Due to the potential exceptional impact of the declared public health emergency, we want to assure our recipient community that NIH will be doing our part to help you continue your research. Our website on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients has a list of available resources. The resources include links to NIH Guide Notices and FAQs as well as information provided by the CDC and the WHO. Among the CDC links are advice for institutions of higher education and advice for mental health and coping.”
“Please visit our website often as we anticipate updates.”
“Most important of all please take care – we wish you, your colleagues, and your families all the best as we deal with the current challenges.”