Engineering & Technology

CISE Research Infrastructure (CRI)

Deadline: November 10, 2015

The CISE Research Infrastructure (CRI) program drives discovery and learning in the core CISE disciplines of the three participating CISE divisions by supporting the creation and enhancement of world-class research infrastructure that will support focused research agendas in computer and information science and engineering. This infrastructure will enable CISE researchers to advance the frontiers of CISE research. Further, through the CRI program CISE seeks to ensure that individuals from a diverse range of academic institutions, including minority-serving and predominantly undergraduate institutions, have access to such infrastructure.

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Energy, Power, and Adaptive Systems

Deadline: November 2, 2015

EPCN supports innovative proposals dealing with systems research in such areas as energy, transportation, and nanotechnology. EPCN places emphasis on electric power systems, including generation, transmission, storage, and integration of renewables; power electronics and drives; battery management systems; hybrid and electric vehicles; and understanding of the interplay of power systems with associated regulatory and economic structures and with consumer behavior. Also of interest are interdependencies of power and energy systems with other critical infrastructures. Topics of interest include energy scavenging and alternate energy technologies such as solar, wind, and hydrokinetic. The program also supports innovative tools and test beds, as well as curriculum development integrating research and education. In addition to single investigator projects, EPCN encourages cross-disciplinary proposals that benefit from active collaboration of researchers with complementary skills.

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Engineering & Technology

RFA-ES-15-013–Nanomaterials Health Implications Research (NHIR): Comprehensive Evaluation of Interactions between Engineered Nanomaterials and Biological System (U01)

Deadline: October 13, 2015

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) invites applications for research projects as part of Nanotechnology Health Implications Research (NHIR). These research projects will investigate interactions between ENMs and biological systems to generate comprehensive biological response profiles for ENMs that will be provided by Engineered nanomaterials Resource and Coordination Core (ERCC) being solicited through a companion FOA (RFA-ES-15-012). This consortium will generate biological response profiles for a select set of ENMs representing the landscape of nanotechnology applications.

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Fluid Dynamics

Deadline: October 20, 2015

The Fluid Dynamics program supports fundamental engineering research on mechanisms and phenomena governing fluid flow from the molecular to the macroscopic scale. Proposed research should contribute to basic understanding of fluid flow phenomena, thus enabling the better design, predictability, efficiency, and control of systems that involve fluids. Areas of emphasis are proposals that address the behavior of new fluid materials and innovative uses of fluids in manufacturing, energy and the environment, materials development, biotechnology, nanotechnology, sensor development, clinical diagnostics and drug delivery. While the research should focus on fundamentals, a clear connection to potential applications with significant societal/technological impact should be outlined.

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Engineering and Technology

Computer and Network Systems (CNS): Core Programs

Deadline: September 16, 2015

CISE’s Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) supports research and education projects that develop new knowledge in two core programs: Computer Systems Research (CSR) program; and Networking Technology and Systems (NeTS) program.

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 Engineering and Systems Design

Deadline: September 15, 2015

Research in ESD should advance the state of knowledge of design methodology, for instance, by adapting existing methods to a new context or by carefully characterizing existing or new design methods in a new context. Research focused on the theoretical foundation of design and systems engineering in a generic, domain-independent fashion should be submitted to the Systems Science program (SYS).

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 Civil Infrastructure Systems (CIS)

Deadline: September 15, 2015

The Civil Infrastructure Systems (CIS) program supports fundamental and innovative research necessary for designing, constructing, managing, maintaining, operating and protecting efficient, resilient and sustainable civil infrastructure systems. Research that recognizes the role that these systems play in societal functioning and accounts for how human behavior and social organizations contribute to and affect the performance of these systems is encouraged.

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Materials Engineering and Processing (MEP)

Deadline:  September 15, 2015

The Materials Engineering and Processing (MEP) program supports fundamental research addressing the interrelationship of materials processing, structure, properties and/or life-cycle performance for targeted applications. Research proposals should be driven by the performance or output of the material system relative to the targeted application(s).

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For other exciting grant opportunities check out the SPIN Database. View saved and bookmarked opportunities courtesy of the Office of Research Administration!


Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering (IJFRCSCE)

Deadline: August 4, 2015

Have you conducted research in the area of Computer Science, Information Technology, or Electronics & Communication Engineering, and want to have your work published? Check out the following opportunity and the “Call for Papers” tab on the sponsor webpage!

Announcement from IJFRCSCE:

“We are pleased to inform you that IJFRCSCE is about to launch its next issue Volume 1, Issue 2, July 2015. The journal covers all areas of Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics & Communication Engineering and its applications. We are publishing original research, review articles and technical notes in our journal. We would like to invite Faculty / PG Students/ Research Scholars to contribute their research papers to IJFRCSCE.”

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Epilepsy Research Program–Idea Development Award

Deadline: August 19, 2015

The ERP envisions a time when the causative links between TBI and epilepsy are understood and post-traumatic epilepsy is preventable. The ERP’s mission is to fund research to understand the magnitude, and the underlying mechanisms of PTE, especially in Service members and Veterans.

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