Social Sciences & Humanities

Grants Program- Arca Foundation

Deadline: February 1, 2016

The Arca Foundation is dedicated to advancing social equity and justice, particularly given the growing disparities in our world. The Foundation supports innovative and strategic efforts that work to advance equity, accountability, social justice and participatory democracy in the US and abroad.

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EMDR Research Foundation

Deadline: February 1, 2016

Grant awards of up to $25,000 are available for post-doctoral students, university faculty or clinician conducting research on EMDR. EMDR is an evidence-based psychotherapy for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In addition, successful outcomes are well-documented in the literature for EMDR treatment of other psychiatric disorders, mental health problems, and somatic symptoms.

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Perception, Action and Cognition

Deadline: February 1, 2016

The sponsor supports research on perception, action and cognition including the development of these capacities. Emphasis is on research strongly grounded in theory. Research topics include vision, audition, haptics, attention, memory, reasoning, written and spoken discourse, motor control and developmental issues in all topic areas.

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Public Scholar Program

Deadline: February 2, 2016

The Public Scholar program supports well-researched books in the humanities intended to reach a broad readership. They must address significant humanities themes likely to be of broad interest and must be written in a readily accessible style. Making use of primary and/or secondary sources, they should open up important and appealing subjects for wider audiences. The challenge is to make sense of a significant topic in a way that will appeal to general readers.

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Michael Kraus Research Grant in Ameican Colonial History

Deadline: February 15, 2016

The American Historical Association’s Michael Kraus Research Grant in colonial American history, with particular reference to the intercultural aspects of American and European relations, annually offers cash awards of up to $800.

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Next Generation Humanities PhD Implementation Grants

Deadline: February 17, 2016

Next Generation Humanities PhD Implementation Grants support universities in instituting wide-ranging changes in humanities doctoral programs. Humanities knowledge and methods can make an even more substantial impact on society if students are able to translate what they learn in doctoral programs into a multitude of careers. Next Generation PhD Implementation Grants are designed to produce plans that will transform scholarly preparation in the humanities at the doctoral level. Students will be prepared to undertake various kinds of careers, and humanities PhD programs will increase their relevance for the twenty-first century.

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Social Sciences & Humanities

Family and Interpersonal Relationships in an Aging Context

Deadline: January 7, 2016

National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for innovative, hypothesis-driven R01 research grant applications that can expand understanding of the role and impact of families and interpersonal relationships on health and well-being in midlife and older age.

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Modeling Social Behavior

Deadline: January 7, 2016

NIH participating Centers and Institutes invite applications for developing and testing innovative theories and computational, mathematical, or engineering approaches to deepen our understanding of complex social behavior.

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Deadline: January 15, 2016

The Sociology Program supports basic research on all forms of human social organization — societies, institutions, groups and demography — and processes of individual and institutional change. The Program encourages theoretically focused empirical investigations aimed at improving the explanation of fundamental social processes.

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Social Psychology

Deadline: January 15, 2016

The sponsor provides support for basic research on human social behavior, including cultural differences and development over the life span. Among the many research topics supported are: attitude formation and change, social cognition, personality processes, interpersonal relations and group processes, the self, emotion, social comparison and social influence, and the psychophysiological and neurophysiological bases of social behavior.

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Political Science

Deadline: January 15, 2016

The Political Science Program supports scientific research that advances knowledge and understanding of citizenship, government, and politics. Research proposals are expected to be theoretically motivated, conceptually precise, methodologically rigorous, and empirically oriented. Substantive areas include, but are not limited to, American government and politics, comparative government and politics, international relations, political behavior, political economy, and political institutions.

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Developmental and Learning Sciences

Deadline: January 15, 2016

DLS supports fundamental research that increases our understanding of cognitive, linguistic, social, cultural, and biological processes related to children’s and adolescents’ development and learning. Research supported by this program will add to our basic knowledge of how people learn and the underlying developmental processes that support learning, social functioning, and productive lives as members of society.

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Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Deadline: January 15, 2016

The Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) of the American Psychological Association (APA) has created the Postdoctoral MHSAS fellowship to support the specialized training of early career doctoral recipients who have primary interests in services or policy related to the behavioral health or psychological well-being of ethnic minorities.

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The Midlife in the United States Study

Deadline: January 25, 2016

National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for the next 5-year cycle of the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) Study, a National Longitudinal Study of Health and Well-being. The goals of this next phase are to complete the third wave of longitudinal data collection and enhance content in the area of daily stress; complete the second wave of data collection of clinical biomarkers and affective neuroscience assessments; continue innovative sub-studies such as how psychosocial influences affect gene expression and novel methods to track and reinstate non-responders; connect these content areas through innovative analyses to data on health, functioning, personality, cognitive status, affective functioning, economic well-being, social relationships, and well-being; and maintain and enhance data distribution and user support.

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Social Sciences & Humanities

Francis Joseph Campbell Award

Deadline: March 1, 2016

The ASCLA Francis Joseph Campbell Award presents a citation and a medal presented to a person or institution that has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of library service for people with physical disabilities and/or physical impairments.

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Early Care and Education Research Scholars: Child Care Research Scholars

Deadline: March 25, 2016

The specific goals of the Child Care Research Scholar grants are: to directly support graduate students’ engagement in child care policy research. Along with supporting the students’ training and professional development as researchers, these grants contribute to the knowledge base about best approaches to delivering services to diverse, low-income families and their children.

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Social Sciences & Humanities

Family and Interpersonal Relationships in an Aging Context

Deadline: January 7, 2016

National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for innovative, hypothesis-driven R01 research grant applications that can expand understanding of the role and impact of families and interpersonal relationships on health and well-being in midlife and older age.

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Modeling Social Behavior

Deadline: January 7, 2016

NIH participating Centers and Institutes invite applications for developing and testing innovative theories and computational, mathematical, or engineering approaches to deepen our understanding of complex social behavior.

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Deadline: January 15, 2016

The Sociology Program supports basic research on all forms of human social organization — societies, institutions, groups and demography — and processes of individual and institutional change. The Program encourages theoretically focused empirical investigations aimed at improving the explanation of fundamental social processes.

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Social Psychology

Deadline: January 15, 2016

The sponsor provides support for basic research on human social behavior, including cultural differences and development over the life span. Among the many research topics supported are: attitude formation and change, social cognition, personality processes, interpersonal relations and group processes, the self, emotion, social comparison and social influence, and the psychophysiological and neurophysiological bases of social behavior.

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Political Science

Deadline: January 15, 2016

The Political Science Program supports scientific research that advances knowledge and understanding of citizenship, government, and politics. Research proposals are expected to be theoretically motivated, conceptually precise, methodologically rigorous, and empirically oriented. Substantive areas include, but are not limited to, American government and politics, comparative government and politics, international relations, political behavior, political economy, and political institutions.

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Developmental and Learning Sciences

Deadline: January 15, 2016

DLS supports fundamental research that increases our understanding of cognitive, linguistic, social, cultural, and biological processes related to children’s and adolescents’ development and learning. Research supported by this program will add to our basic knowledge of how people learn and the underlying developmental processes that support learning, social functioning, and productive lives as members of society.

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Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Deadline: January 15, 2016

The Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) of the American Psychological Association (APA) has created the Postdoctoral MHSAS fellowship to support the specialized training of early career doctoral recipients who have primary interests in services or policy related to the behavioral health or psychological well-being of ethnic minorities.

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The Midlife in the United States Study

Deadline: January 25, 2016

National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for the next 5-year cycle of the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) Study, a National Longitudinal Study of Health and Well-being. The goals of this next phase are to complete the third wave of longitudinal data collection and enhance content in the area of daily stress; complete the second wave of data collection of clinical biomarkers and affective neuroscience assessments; continue innovative sub-studies such as how psychosocial influences affect gene expression and novel methods to track and reinstate non-responders; connect these content areas through innovative analyses to data on health, functioning, personality, cognitive status, affective functioning, economic well-being, social relationships, and well-being; and maintain and enhance data distribution and user support.

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Social Sciences & Humanities

Outstanding Public History Project Award

Deadline: December 1, 2015

The Outstanding Public History Project Award recognizes excellence in work completed within the previous two calendar years (2014 and 2015) that contributes to a broader public reflection and appreciation of the past or that serves as a model of professional public history practice. Projects–from digital to print, and from exhibits to brochures to films–by individuals, groups, community organizations, businesses, or other organizations or work done in support of such projects may be nominated.

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Davis (Shelby Cullom) Center for Historical Studies; Research Fellowships

Deadline: December 1, 2015

The Davis Center welcomes applications for Fellowships from scholars whose research engages broadly and imaginatively with the theme that the Center sets each year. The aim is to bring to five to six Fellows per semester to the Center where they pursue their own scholarly projects and contribute to the intellectual community of the Center and the university. During the academic years 2016/17 and 2017/18, the Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies will focus on the topic of “Risk and Fortune.”

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American Lung Association; Social Behavioral Research Grant

Deadline: December 16, 2015

The sponsor provides seed monies for junior investigators working on epidemiological and behavioral studies examining risk factors affecting lung health. This grant includes studies concerning the ethical, legal and economic aspects of health services and policies.

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