Department of Energy Research to Enable Fuels from Sunlight

Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number: DE-FOA-0002254

Submission Deadline for Pre-Applications (required): March 24, 2020

FOA Summary:

The DOE SC program in Basic Energy Sciences (BES) hereby solicits new applications for multi-investigator cross-disciplinary fundamental research to address emerging new directions as well as long-standing challenges in liquid solar fuels generation via artificial photosynthesis approaches. Artificial photosynthesis is typically viewed as the generation of fuels using only sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water as inputs. However, for the purpose of this FOA the concept of artificial photosynthesis approaches will be expanded to include other abundant feedstocks beyond carbon dioxide, such as nitrogen. Regardless of feedstock, the focus must remain on fundamental scientific concepts for solar-driven liquid fuel production.

Applications should focus on the highest scientific priorities in solar fuels production as identified by the 2019 Liquid Solar Fuels Roundtable and will be required to address priority research opportunities (PROs) denoted by the 2019 Liquid Solar Fuels Roundtable at The research should capitalize on unique capabilities and accomplishments developed to date, including those from BES-funded efforts in the Fuels from Sunlight Hub, Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs), and BES core programs. Projects should also integrate experiment and theory to elucidate scientific principles for light energy capture and conversion into chemical bonds.

Applications submitted to this FOA may request support in the range from $10M to $20M per year for up to five (5) years.

The project must address at least two (2) of the PROs denoted by the 2019 Liquid Solar Fuels Roundtable (see here:

For more information, including the FOA, please see

U.S. Department of Energy’s National Lab Day Hosted by the University of Toledo

The University of Toledo will be hosting the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ohio National Lab Day 2019 on October 10th and 11th on the campus of The University of Toledo. The event will explore opportunities for partnerships and connect students and researchers with U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories.

Highlights of the meeting include:

  • Meet Laboratory Directors, representing 15 DOE labs
  • Meet 40 DOE scientists participating in nine topical areas and four plenary sessions
  • Explore funding and fellowship opportunities
  • Discover DOE user facilities open to academic scientists
  • Establish collaborations with DOE lab scientists
  • Learn about student internships and post-doctoral fellowships

Registration is open for the academic and commercial research community.

Information about the agenda and breakout sessions is available, but is subject to change.

Additional information can be found on the University of Toledo National Lab Day page by clicking the “Menu” button in the top right corner.