Using open- source low cost sensors to create stream monitoring stations

[Past Project]

Stephen C. Weeks and Gabrielle Russell

Project Background: Extreme rain events are increasing due to climate change. In order to better understand climate changes impacts on freshwater, basic hydrological data needs to be collected (i.e. streamflow) in headwater streams. This is because hydrology impacts many aspects of a stream, such as the available habitat for fish and aquatic bugs, temperature, and erosion. In order to increase data collection, this project aims to create and deploy a low- cost stream monitoring system using ultrasonic sensors and temperature sensors.

Figure 1. Headwater stream after a rain event.
Figure 2. Arduino (


Student Benefits: The skills you learn participating in this project aren’t only used for monitoring streams, but can be applied to various fields, or even robotic hobbies! Basic computer programming and circuitry will be taught, so that multiple streamflow devices can be made and deployed in the field. These devices can also be mapped using Geographic Informatic Systems (GIS), which can be learned as well. If interested, basic stream monitoring skills can also be taught, such as: aquatic bug collection and identification.

Learn to be a “Maker” and collect data to help inform about climate change!

Click here for more information on the Weeks lab