Investigating the Microbial World of Lechuguilla Cave

[Past Projects]

Dr. Hazel Barton and Katey Bender

For millions of years, Lechuguilla Cave has been geologically isolated, and the microbes living within it have had little to no exposure to the surface. As a result, the microbes in the cave have had to develop unusual metabolic and competitive strategies. The goal of this research is to cultivate the microorganisms that live within Lechuguilla Cave and study their adaptations to the cave environment. We will explore these adaptations by investigating methods to increase cultivation efficiency, screening isolated strains for antibiotic production, and studying the metabolism of strains that we believe are involved with biomineralizing barite (barium sulfate). Overall, this project aims to increase our understanding of the microbial ecology of Lechuguilla Cave and its potential for novel metabolisms and antibiotics.
Click here for more information about Dr. Barton’s lab