Determine molecular targets for treating tinnitus

[Past Projects]

Dr. Jianxin Bao – NEOMED

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Project Background:

Subjective tinnitus is the perception of a phantom sound, which negatively impacts quality of life for millions worldwide. Despite the great demand for an effective treatment, there are no approved drugs to prevent and treat tinnitus. Previous studies have suggested abnormal thalamocortical oscillations as one possible mechanism underlying tinnitus. This abnormal thalamocortical activity, such as an increase in delta-band activity, can be attributed to the increased activity of T-type calcium channels. Therefore, we hypothesize that abnormal expressional changes of T-type calcium channels is one major cause of tinnitus. Thus, in this project, we plan to determine potential molecular targets to treat tinnitus.
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Student Benefits

We will teach you how to design and carry a neuroscience experiment, also teach you modern behavioral and molecular biological skills, which can be applied to various fields. Of course, your contribution to this project will be credited if any publications come out from this project.
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