Hello everyone,

Our trip to Case Western Reserve’s 25 million-dollar ThinkBox was a rousing success.  Their facility has two $40k 3D printers, a MakerBot, laser cutter, laser engraver, circuit board creator, computerized sewing machine, complete metal and woodworking shops, vinyl cutter, and even construction paper and Play-doh!  It is an amazing facility.  We took lots of notes and pictures and will post those soon.  The most amazing fact is that all of the machines are open to the public for free use; folks only need to pay for materials used such as wood or plastic.  Be sure to check it out at:


We plan to make another trip over a future weekend so that we can start making things!  Let us know if you want to come along for the day.

Today’s object is a Pythagorean cup for our Physics instructor.  Pythagoras was intelligent enough to realize that a simple cup filled to the brim would be adequate for the purpose of ensuring equal rations of water. The cup is an object lesson in greediness.  It is an amazing print, given all of the angles the printer has to handle.  Come to A-120 to see it being printed!

pythagorean cup
