Hello everyone,

After a brief hiatus, we are back to printing interesting things with the 3D printer.  Today’s object is an adjustable wrench requested by one of our teachers.  The wrench is a multi-part design, so we will print it as pieces over the next couple of days.  Come see what is printing so far!


Last Wednesday, Dusty put the finishing touches on the plastic collar for the standing floor fan (the original collar was broken).  We printed the design which works perfectly with the fan!  We are quite pleased with the result as we were able to reproduce a complicated object with the same specs as the original:

fan-collar1   fan-collar2

Last week, we noticed that the diagonal lines were not printing smoothly, resulting in a staircase shaped squiggly line.  Andrew, our resident 3D printer hardware technician, lubricated the gantry system and learned how to tighten the belts that move the print heads around.  Now the printer works perfectly again.  Thanks, Andrew!

We learned today that the Romich Foundation generously awarded us funding for two more 3D printers!  One uses PLA plastic for handling more complicated objects.  The other is a portable printer.  It supports both plastic types (ABS and PLA) and will be used for offsite demonstrations such as high schools and businesses.  We are quite excited about reaching out to the community in this way.

Be sure to stop-by A-120 to see the wrench bring printed.  It is quite fascinating!
