Office: For Judge of the Seventh District Court of Appeals
Term Beginning 2/10/2021
Age: 60
Residence: Youngstown
Social Media:
Occupation: Judge, Seventh District Court of Appeals
Education: B.A. from Youngstown State University, J.D. Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University
Work Experience: Assistant Law Director, City of Youngstown 1986-1996, Court of Appeals Judge 1997-present
Family: Husband, Atty. Ed Romero and two children
Affiliations: YWCA Emeritus Board Member, former Chief Judge of the Ohio Courts of Appeal Association, former President of Gateways Industries Board, former member of Gateways to Better Living Board, Ohio Bar Assoc., American Bar Assoc.
Bar Association Ratings:
(1) List your judicial experience (courts and years)
I began my judicial career in 1997 when I took the bench on the Seventh District Court of Appeals and have consistently served on this bench to the present day.
(2) What about your non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I began my legal career working as a lawyer for the City of Youngstown. I also served for several years as its acting Risk Manager. Because I had a degree in English Literature, I was hired to primarily handle all appellate work, both state and federal. In my years with the City, I handled hundreds of appeals, start to finish, in many appellate districts, the Ohio Supreme Court, the Sixth Circuit Federal Court, and I have filed in the U. S. Supreme Court. Additionally, I handled hearings and appeals for boards and commissions, worked in human relations, negotiated union contracts and advised the mayor and members of counsel.
(3) Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I have spent over 20 years as an appellate judge. I am serving, once again, as the Presiding Judge of this court. I love appellate work, I love serving the people of the Seventh District, and I would be honored to continue to serve.