Office: For Judge of the Fifth District Court of Appeals
Term Beginning 2/9/2021
Age: 59
Residence: Utica
Email: jeffmfurr@aol.com
Social Media:
Occupation: Attorney
Education: J.D. from Capital Law School, LLM from Capital Law School, MBA from Capital and BS from the College of Engineering from OSU
Work Experience: Intellectual Property Attorney
Family: Married with six children
Affiliations: Attend New Life Church
Endorsements: Ohio Right to Life
Bar Association Ratings:
(1) List your judicial experience (courts and years)
(2) What about your non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I have been running a legal practice for over 20 years. I have a good background and education to be a circuit court judge. I have the legal experience helping people with their legal issues and to understand the law. I know that it is a judges job is to interpret the law and not to make it. I have represented clients before Federal District courts and the Trademark Trial and Appeals Board. I have argued before the US Court of Appeals for Federal Circuit in Washington D.C. All of this experience is well suited for the Court of Appeals.
(3) Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I want to serve my community and state. I will make sure that I will interpret the law fairly, with justice and the American way in mind. When I served on Johnstown City Council I always tried to make decisions for the public that I could sleep with. If elected I will make sure to do the same as a Judge. I believe that this court seat matches my experience and skill set well as well as matching my desire to give back.