Office: For Judge of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas, General Division
Unexpired Term Ending 1/5/2023
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Age: 51
Residence: Columbus
Email: sherylmunsonforjudge2020@gmail.com
Website: www.sherylmunsonforjudge.com
Social Media: Facebook: Sheryl Munson for Judge; Instagram: #sherylmunsonforjudge
Occupation: Attorney with the Franklin County Public Defender Office
Education: J.D. from The Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law
Work Experience: Franklin County Public Defender since 1994
Family: Single with two teenage daughters
Affiliations: The Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Women Lawyers of Franklin County, Franklin County Democratic Lawyers Club, The Franklin County Democratic Party
Bar Association Ratings:
(1) List your judicial experience (courts and years)
This is my first judicial campaign.
(2) What about your non-judicial legal experience qualifies you to be a judge?
I have been a public defender for twenty-six years; fighting to ensure that all people, regardless of their income or demographic background, have full, fair, and quality representation. I have tried many cases and am qualified to represent people in death-penalty cases. I have experience in handling virtually any criminal case that a judge might have to consider. I have strong research and writing skills. I have a firm grasp of the Rules of Evidence. I have experience dealing with people from all walks of life including people who appear in court and with court staff and personnel. I have been serving the people of Franklin County for my entire adult life. I believe, as individuals, our purpose in this life is to serve our communities and all of its members.
(3) Why are you running for this particular court seat?
I believe that all people coming before the Court–defendants, victims, and civil litigants–should be treated with fairness and respect by a judge who understands the law and the Rules of Evidence. This is the kind of judge I will be. A fair and competent judiciary is the key to a just society. We are at a turning point within the criminal justice system where we realize that mass incarceration is not the key to deterring or preventing crime. We realize that drug addiction and substance abuse is a social and personal sickness that cannot be cured by extreme punitive measures. I am excited to be running for judge at a point in history where the need for social justice and constructive, rehabilitative sentencing is clear as it is in the best interest of the individual and society as a whole. Having spent my entire adult life serving people in Franklin County and doing my best to provide justice for all, I am now ready to take the bench in Franklin County and serve an even larger sector of the population and make the most positive impact that I can.