General Interest Research & Learning Services

Jeffrey Franks Appointed

Jeffrey Franks

Research and Learning Services


Jeff Franks has been appointed to the following committees effective this academic year:


  • University Council Recreation and Wellness Committee – serving until April 30, 2017


  • Faculty Senate Athletics Committee — serving a 3-year appointment


  • University-Wide Review Committee — serving a 2-year appointment


  • University Appeals Committee — serving a 2-year appointment


Congratulations on your appointments! Thank you for representing the University Libraries!





Electronic Services General Interest

Frank Bove Presentation

Frank Bove

Electronic Resources Librarian


Frank Bove shared his knowledge at the following presentation. Nice job!


Bove, Frank J. Electronic Resources Librarianship and the Lifecycle of Electronic Resources. Electronic Resources Working Group (ERWG) -Training Day, Columbus, Ohio, 19 June 2015.


General Interest Professional Development Science & Technology Library

Ian McCullough’s Professional Accomplishments

Ian McCullough

Physical Sciences Librarian

We are pleased to report on Ian McCullough’s varied accomplishments. Well Done!



ALA-ACRL-STS Scholarly Communications Committee, re-appointment ending June 2016

Faculty Senate, University Libraries representative, elected for three year term beginning Fall 2015


Refereed Reviews:

“Copyright for Academic Librarians and Professionals 2015/201.” Reference Reviews, 29(6), 10-12. doi: 10.1108/RR-04-2015-0099

“Weeds of North America 2015/151.” Reference Reviews, 29(4), 32–39. doi:10.1108/RR-02-2015-0030



Scholarly Communications Committee (ACRL-STS), Moderator, Panel Discussion, ALA Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 28, 2015


Continuing Education:

ACRL Immersion Teacher Track, Seattle, WA, August 2-7, 2015.



Formal acknowledgement on two papers from the Kennedy group in Polymer Science.



Electronic Services General Interest

Scheduled downtime: ProQuest Aug 8, 10pm

On Saturday, August 8, ProQuest will be upgrading its systems infrastructure to improve performance, security, and overall reliability of its products. The system maintenance window is scheduled to begin at 10:00 PM American Eastern Standard Time and will last for eight (8) hours.

During this time access to the ProQuest products listed below will not be available and users will be re-directed to a webpage explaining the scheduled maintenance:

Research databases
ProQuest platform (
ProQuest Congressional (
ProQuest Dialog (
Chadwyck-Healey databases (full list available here)
eLibrary (all editions)
ProQuest Digital Microfilm
ProQuest Obituaries
ProQuest Research Companion
SIRS (all editions)

Dissertation publishing
ProQuest/UMI ETD Administrator

Reference management/Research support tools
COS Funding Opportunities
COS Scholar Universe

Bibliographic and catalog enrichment resources
Books in Print®
LibraryThing for Libraries™
ProQuest Syndetic Solutions™
Resources for College Libraries

SAN (Standard Address Number)


General Interest Research & Learning Services

Blundell Appointed Committee Chair

Shelley Blundell

Instructional Design/Education Librarian

Research and Learning Services

Congratulations to Shelley Blundell! The Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA) Council has approved her appointment as SOA Educational Programming Committee chair. According to their website, the Society of Ohio Archivists’ mission is to exchange information, coordinate activities, and improve professional competence in Ohio’s archives and manuscript repositories. The Education and Programming Committee plans the annual SOA spring conference and professional development workshops. Activities include choosing a conference theme, solicitation and selection of session presenters, selection of plenary speaker, publication and distribution of conference announcements, collecting conference evaluations, and planning professional development workshops of interest to members. Sounds like a worthwhile responsibility. Good luck!



Dean's Office General Interest Professional Development

Everett Awarded Two National Scholarships

Stephanie Dawson Everett was recently awarded two significant national scholarships towards the completion of a Masters of Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree.

The American Library Association (ALA) selected Stephanie as a 2015-2016 Spectrum Scholar awarding her with a one-year, non-renewable award of $5,000 in scholarship funds and reserving $1,500 for her participation in ALA and the 2016 Annual Conference in Orlando, FL. She was designated as the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Scholar in this year’s Spectrum cohort.

She was also selected as an Association of Research Libraries (ARL) 2015-17 Diversity Scholar. This honor provides a financial award of up to $10,000 towards tuition and expenses to attend the 2016 ARL Leadership Institute Symposium held in Boston. Additional award benefits include a site visit to a sponsored research library, $2,500 for professional development, and a student membership in a professional organization.

Both scholarships seek to increase the number of racially and ethnically diverse professionals in the field of library and information science to best position libraries at the core of today’s culturally diverse communities. Selections were made based on the applicant’s commitment to diversity, commitment to entering the library profession, demonstrated community outreach, academic ability and achievements, and leadership potential.

Stephanie is currently pursuing the Library Management track at Kent State University’s School of Library and Information Science. She expects to complete her MLIS in the fall of 2016.

Electronic Services General Interest

Thompson’s short story places in fiction contest

Paul Thompson’s short story Fall received second place in the category Fiction: Fantasy in the recent Wordhaus fiction writing contest! Congratulations, Paul!

General Interest

EmpCenter upgrade 7/19 from 3-9am

EmpCenter upgrade

(re-posted from EMail Digest)

On Sunday, July 19, EmpCenter will be upgraded from 3 to 9 a.m.
During that time, EmpCenter and its functions will be unavailable.

General Interest

“The Archival Advantage”–New report from OCLC

OCLC has published an essay by Jackie Dooley which argues for involving archivists in the management of born-digital library materials. It also focuses on ten areas of archival expertise and their relevance to the digital context.  The report can be downloaded here:

Electronic Services General Interest

7/8 switch to new H: drive location

We will switch to the new location for our H: drive early on Wednesday, July 8.

This change should be transparent to everyone. If you do find something to be awry with your H: drive or My Documents, log out of Windows and back in to see if that corrects it. If it does not, please submit a footprints ticket.