Electronic Services General Interest

H: drive server upgrade

On July 8th we are transitioning to a new server where our H: drive is located. This is part of a larger, university-wide IT upgrade to server hardware and software. This change will be transparent to you as the end-user. Mike has made the necessary changes on most staff and faculty PCs already, and will be stopping by shortly if he has not yet updated your machine.

Dean's Office Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development Research & Learning Services

Professional Certification

Professional Certification

Frank Bove, Stephanie Everett, Beate Gersch, and Michelle Mascaro recently earned a Certificate in Applied Project Management from UA Solutions, an Advanced Professional Development & Corporate Training Center. According to the website, the program provided frontline, real-world skills and techniques to enhance their career and our company’s projects. Way to go!



Electronic Services General Interest Professional Development

Professional Accomplishment — David Procházka

Professional Accomplishment

David Procházka, Electronic Services

Congratulations to David Procházka on his nomination!

Elected to serve one year on the Scholarship Committee of the Northern Ohio Technical Services Librarians (affectionately known as NOTSL).


General Interest Professional Development Research & Learning Services

Recent Accomplishments — Shelley Blundell

Recent Accomplishments

Shelley Blundell, Research and Learning Services

It is a pleasure to acknowledge Shelley Blundell, Research and Learning Services, for her recent professional endeavors.

The University of Akron – Professional accomplishments

*Organized and facilitated the display of winning academic posters from the 2015 University of Akron Student Innovation Symposium in Room 168 in Bierce Library.  The display ran from April 10 to May 4, and was coordinated in partnership with Dr. Heather Burton in the Office of Graduate Student Development, and Interim Dean Phyllis O’Connor, Marketing and Communications Manager Stephanie Dawson-Everett, Assistant to the Dean Joe Williams, and Administrative Assistant Ann Evans from University Libraries.

*Served as an oral presentation session evaluator for The 2015 University of Akron Student Innovation Symposium on April 9, 2015.

*Served on the 2015 University Libraries Outstanding Student Employee Award Committee.

Academic/scholarly accomplishments

*Successfully defended her dissertation on March 31, and will graduate May 8 with her Ph.D. in Communication and Information. Her dissertation topic was “A descriptive phenomenological investigation of the academic information search process experience of remedial undergraduate students.

*Aided in the preparation of the poster “Conceptualizing and implementing dispositional assessments for students at the Kent State University School of Library and Information Science,” presented by Dr. Frank Lambert at the ALISE 2015 Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, in January, 2015.  The poster presented research undertaken by Lambert, Blundell, and Dr. Meghan Harper in KSU SLIS during 2014.

*Published “Storifying the remedial undergraduate student experience: How one class inspired an information literacy research agenda” in the May edition of Rhetoric Today, a publication of the Department of Rhetoric and Composition at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. Article is available at






Access Services General Interest Research & Learning Services Science & Technology Library UAL Access Services Committee

ILLiad upgrade

On May 5, from 9:00 am – 11:00 am, all ILLiad services will be down for an upgrade.

No ILLiad requests will be accepted or processed by the system during that time.

General Interest

Wagtime Therapy Dogs

University Library Faculty and Staff are invited to help out with the Wagtime Therapy Dogs, who will be visiting Pre Finals Week (4/27 – 4/30). Volunteers will be asked to watch over the dogs and their handlers during their stay at the library.

Click here to sign up.

Wagtime Schedule

General Interest

PreFinals Week Schedule

PreFinals Week is just around the corner. We’re looking forward to continuing the tradition of evening coffee and daily therapy dogs as well as the return of PB & J Deli and the popular Krispy Kreme donuts on M-W-F.

Look for the doggy volunteer sign up soon!

General Interest Research & Learning Services

Deadline for Faculty Library Grants is April 24

Spread the word! Faculty are invited to apply for grants up to $1,000 each to fund library materials that support their teaching or research. These special grants support purchases beyond the scope of University Libraries’ regular materials budget.

For more information, visit Friends of the Library Grants online. The deadline to apply is April 24.

General Interest Professional Development

67 Free Webinars for Library Staff

From OCLC’s WebJunction: read on for 67 great free webinars being offered for library staff and non-profits in the month of April.

General Interest

UA Websites Down

UA homepage and UL homepage, among others are not reachable.  University IT are working on the issue.