Dean's Office

Ground Floor Construction Work Starts Tuesday

On Tuesday July 30, there will be SERIOUS noise downstairs due to cutting concrete – necessary to put in the electrical conduits.  There also will be substantial noise and dust flying everywhere. The contractor will be putting up plastic and large drop cloths.

Tutoring Services may want to use another part of the library during this construction.


Electronic Services UAL Technical Services Committee

New LibGuides for the NE Ohio Regional Depository

The NE Ohio Regional Depository has announced the available of two new LibGuides.

The first guide is for the public and serves as the Depository web page.  The guide contains facility and program information, contact information, and basic statistics. The url is .

The second guide is a resource for library and Depository staff. For more information and a link to this guide, go to the UL SharePoint:


Research & Learning Services

FDLP e-book pilot: please test!


FDLP e-book pilot: please test!

Bierce Library is participating in a pilot to provide access to e-books that are published by the U.S. Government Printing Office. Currently, six titles are loaded to UA’s CONTENTdm site, and are available to download from the campus network. Access this collection from the Bierce Library Online Repository.

As a pilot participant, we have been asked to provide feedback to GPO. You can help by reviewing and testing the following:

– Access to the content on the campus network. Proxy/off-site access is not supported at this time.
– Description and metadata for the items.
– Download and view on an e-reader device or platform.

Feedback on any or all aspects of the project are welcome. Please send your comments and questions to Shari Laster no later than the close of business on Wednesday, July 31, so they can be included in the project report to GPO.


Wings in Orbit: Scientific and Engineering Legacies of the Space Shuttle, 1971-2010
Authoritative documentation of the accomplishments of the NASA Space Shuttle Program. Forward by astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen. The volume compiles an impressive number of the personal accounts from NASA’s best subject matter experts and  focuses on the thirty year history of the shuttle program’s science and engineering accomplishments.

How to Get a Job in the Federal Government
Published by the Department of Labor; reviews over 400 occupational specialties (excluding postal service and military workers) currently employed in the Federal Government.

Getting Back to Work: Returning to the Labor Force After an Absence
Covers re-entry strategies for jobseekers who are seeking skills, have criminal records, have too little or too much work experience, have been fired or laid off, or have disabilities. An extensive page of re-entry resources, including electronic resources, is included.

The End of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell: the Impact and Personal Essays by Service Members and Veterans
Collection of four scholarly studies and 25 essays about the impact of living under this policy from a diverse group of gay and straight, current and former military members from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps.

Al-Qaida, The Tribes and the Government: Lessons and Prospects for Iraq’s Unstable Triangle
Examines Al-Qaida’s experience dealing with the tribes in Iraq in terms of a triangular relationship involving the Sunni tribes, Al-Qaida, and the Iraqi government (or the United States as the governing authority in the initial stages), with latter two entities often competing for the allegiance of the tribes.

Employment Interviewing: Seizing the Opportunity and the Job
Preparing for interviews requires basic interviewing skills. Provides advice about what to do before, during, and after a job interview.

General Interest

New sculpture on campus

I haven’t seen a press release yet, but there’s a new sculpture on campus.  Designed by David Tonnesen, it’s on Carroll Avenue between Auburn Science & Engineering Center and the student union.  Check it out when you have a chance.

A photo blog is available at  The artist’s blog also has some pictures, along with snaps of some earlier, related sculptures:


Electronic Services

UL Web Analytics Reports

The Fall 2012 University Libraries Web Analytics Reports, as well as the UL Web Continuous Quality Improvement Plan, are now available on SharePoint here.

The reports show usage data of:

  • The UL Website
  • The UAL Catalog
  • Serial Solutions

Stats for Spring 2013 will be forthcoming.


Access Services

Copyright / ERES Session from Access Services

Caitlin Noussias and Melanie Smith-Farrell presented a session on using copyrighted material in courses in general and including ERES in Springboard in particular as part of a summer series on online courses from Instructional Services on campus. From all reports, the session was very well received. I have attached the powerpoint below so that you can see what our colleagues presented. This is the first time we have promoted ERES in Springboard, so we may also get more questions about this service.

My thanks to Caitlin and Melanie for representing us well!

Presentation: Springboard_beyond02

Electronic Services

Sierra News and Update / IUG 2013 review on July 9th 1:30 – 3:00

Sierra News and Update / IUG 2013 review

When: Tuesday, July 9th  1:30 – 3:00
Where: Bierce 154

Join e-Services and celebrate our 1 year Sierra-nniversary. We’ll review the library’s accomplishments of last year and tell you about upcoming Sierra enhancements and developments.  We’ll show you how to find the latest information on Sierra from III and IUG and talk about the upcoming III Sierra training sessions and plans for implementing an on-going Sierra training schedule.  And best of all, we’ll have some goodies to eat and prizes to give.

Schedule of events

1:30 – 1:40:         Mingle, grab some goodies, find a seat and welcome.
1:40 – 2:00:         Sierra development review and Akron Sierra development leadership.
2:00 – 2:20:         Sierra and III news and updates with time for Q & A.
2:20 – 2:40:         Sierra Training at UA Libraries.
2:40 – 2:55:         IUG resources, enhancement process, IUG 2013 highlights
2:55 – 3:00:         Raffle and prizes.

Electronic Services

Sierra: Create Lists known issue resovled

III updated our system settings and has resolved the create lists editing issue.

Electronic Services

Sierra: Create Lists known issue

We are experiencing affects of a Sierra 1.1.1 known issue. Users are not able to update data in variable fields within Create Lists. I’ve submitted a request to III to resolve this issue.

Electronic Services

Sierra: New theme – Glacier Point

Release 1.1.1 includes a new display theme called Glacier Point. The Glacier Point color scheme is off-white, tan, dark blue, black, and dark red. The system defined default Sierra theme is Half Dome which has a color scheme of a very light green, white, dark red, dark orange, and various shades of brown.

If you would like to try out and/or switch to the new Glacier Point theme, please submit a Footprints ticket and indicate which login/s you want the theme installed on.
