Upcoming National Institutes of Health Grants

Bioengineering Research Grants

Deadline: October 5, 2016

The goal for a bioengineering research grant (BRG) is to foster the development of an innovative technology, model, technique, design, or method that has the potential for significant impact on biomedical research by infusing principles and concepts from the quantitative sciences.

Community Partnerships to Advance Research

Deadline: October 5, 2016

National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications to partner with communities using Community Engaged Research (CEnR) methodologies that will enhance relationships leading to better interventions and positive health outcomes. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism.

Detecting and Preventing Suicide Behavior, Ideation and Self-Harm in Youth in Contact with the Juvenile Justice System

Deadline: October 5, 2016

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for research to test the effectiveness of combined strategies to both detect and intervene to reduce the risk of suicide behavior, suicide ideation, and non-suicidal self-harm (NSSI) by youth in contact with the juvenile justice system.

Bioengineering Research Partnership (BRP): Non- or Minimally-Invasive Methods to Measure Biochemical Substances during Neonatal and Perinatal Patient Care and Research

Deadline: October 5, 2016

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications from bioengineering and biomedical scientists to collaborate in developing non- or minimally-invasive methods for measuring biochemical substances in connection with the care of perinatal patient populations. Lab-on-a-chip methods for rapid diagnostic or prognostic purposes are also encouraged.

NLM Express Research Grants in Biomedical Informatics

Deadline: October 5, 2016

National Library of Medicine (NLM) offers support for innovative research in biomedical informatics and data science. The scope of NLM’s interest in the research domain of informatics is broad and interdisciplinary, developing methods and approaches in biomedical computing, data science and related information fields for application domains of health and biomedicine, including health care delivery, basic biomedical research, clinical and translational research, precision medicine, public health, biosurveillance, health information management in disasters, and similar areas.

For complete listings of NIH grant opportunities visit the SPIN link on the right hand side of this page or visit the NIH webpage.