Call for Applicants for Proposal Writing Retreat


MQC is calling for more applicants to round out their proposal writing retreat and has extended their application deadline.

The Proposal Writing Retreat will be held at the Historic Glasbern Inn from January 7 – January 11, 2018. This retreat is designed to allow you structured time to convert your project idea into a competitive grant proposal. Program officers’, peer reviewers’, and fellow applicants’ feedback will support your efforts to develop a strong grant proposal. The goal is that each participant will depart with a strong proposal draft and new insight to share after returning to the lab, classroom, or office.

At this stage, they have participants from universities, community organizations, and state departments of health, with a strong focus on NIH and HRSA programs. If you would benefit, or know of any additional researchers who would benefit from professional development, individual consultation, and peer review experience – whether in health fields or in STEM, arts and humanities, or community and economic development – please consider applying!

The fee is $1998, inclusive of everything but travel. One full and two partial scholarships are available.

Click here to request more information.

Contact to apply.